Author Archive for Mac Hammond
Happiness on the Job

Happiness on the Job

Would your work habits change significantly if your employer were Almighty God, the creator of the universe? Having God for a boss may strike you as being a strange concept. But according to the Bible, that's precisely how we are to approach our jobs. In the book...

Marks of a True Winner

Marks of a True Winner

One of the most powerful truths governing success is the reality that we get what we "expect." Much of the popular success literature teaches that a "positive expectation" is a vital key to achieving wealth and advancement. What many people don't know is that this...

Marks of a True Winner

Marks of a True Winner

Edmond Burke once said, "The timid soul never attains greatness. He is doomed to a life of cautious wading in the shallows of accomplishment." Likewise, the book of Proverbs says, "The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are as bold as a lion."...

Happiness on the Job

Happiness on the Job

Some people think the educational process ended the day they graduated from school. Others make learning a life-long quest. Guess which group tends to experience more happiness and success on the job? Proverbs 1:5 says, "A wise man will increase learning." If you...

Marks of a True Winner

Marks of a True Winner

You won't find many cowardly lions in the winner's circle. If you want to experience consistent success and fulfillment, one of the most valuable characteristics you can cultivate is courage. Courage gives you the ability to face difficult circumstances and...

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