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Terri Copeland Pearsons, eldest daughter of internationally known minister Kenneth Copeland, first discovered the adventures of prayer as a little girl praying at her grandmother’s side. Drawing on that rich heritage of faith, she connects people with the living presence of God, teaching them who they are in Christ Jesus and how to pray from that position.

Terri and her husband, George Pearsons, serve as Senior Pastors of Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC) at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, where they have pastored for over two decades. They have an international commission that takes them all over the world. Since 1995, Terri has ignited the fires of prayer at EMIC through Prayer School and through a dynamic network of prayer groups; she has brought life into the prayers of believers worldwide.

Terri has supported her father’s commission to take the Word of God from the top of the world, to the bottom, and all the way around, since attending Oral Roberts University (ORU) in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the late 1970s. For 13 years she developed the Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) television broadcast as its first producer, helping establish Brother Copeland as a forerunner in television ministry.

Terri and George have two grown children. Their son, Jeremy Pearsons, his wife Sarah and children, Justus and Jessie Grace, travel in ministry together, teaching believers of all ages to hold fast to the spirit of faith. Sarah Hart Pearsons is also a worshipper and singer-songwriter. Their daughter, Aubrey Oaks is a gifted vocalist who ministers frequently at EMIC, and she travels alongside her mother, ministering with her. Her husband, Cody is a pilot and is preparing for the ministry to which God has called him. They have two precious daughters, Eiley and Kayelin.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The sense of hope the new year brings is of God. He designed the seasons, the calendar and time itself.Happy New Year!There's a hopeful ring to that phrase. The idea of new beginnings, second chances, and forgotten pasts is inspiring.Priorities. Now, that's as...

Extreme Lengths

Extreme Lengths

Think about the extremes Jesus went to. Why did He travel across the lake when He was so tired that He fell asleep shortly after setting sail? Why did He go through the storm? Jesus said, "I lay down my life for the sheep."(John 10:15) Jesus went to extreme lengths...

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