Beware! Devilish Enlightenment!

by Annette Capps | Articles, Christian Living

You are to rejoice when you are being persecuted for righteousness’ sake, but make sure the persecution is really happening.

Jesus said to take heed lest the light (or enlightenment) in you be darkness (Luke 11:35).

James talks about a superficial wisdom (or enlightenment) that is earthly and unspiritual, even devilish. James 3:14 in The Amplified Bible says it produces envy, strife, jealousy, and contention.

This devilish enlightenment causes a false sense of persecution: a persecution complex.

I am sure you have experienced feeling as though someone were talking about you. Someone looks your way and whispers, Suddenly, a light bulb goes off in you head; “They’re talking about me!”

You are imagining persecution.

Recognize this as coming from the devil – a lying spirit bringing devilish enlightenment!

Then the devil “enlightens” all the people in the room, telling each of them that the others are talking about them. Each one starts thinking: “I’ll bet so-and-so, and I’ll bet such-and-such happened.”

This is devilish wisdom, and it instantly produces strife and confusion.

Refuse to listen to this kind of enlightenment. If you do what Jesus said, you won’t get a persecution complex. Take heed that the “light” which comes to you is not darkness.

Make a clear distinction between true persecution and a persecution complex. A persecution complex, or paranoia, comes from evil spirits lying to a person.

A word of knowledge does not bring strife. It only brings peace and the fruit of the Spirit. It straightens out situations.

When God reveals something to you, He will show you how to deal with it.

Source: Understanding Persecution by Annette Capps
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

Annette Capps is the President and CEO of Capps Ministries, an ordained minister, businesswoman, and licensed airplane pilot. A diversity of experiences created her unique and practical approach to ministry. She brings a balanced message of the supernatural and the natural. This combination of the practical and the prophetic stirs faith in the hearts of audiences.

A lifelong student of the Bible, she has ministered across the nation and has authored seven books, "Reverse the Curse in Your Body and Emotions", Removing the Roadblocks to Health and Healing", Overcoming Persecution", "Angels", "God's Creative Power for Finances", her best seller "Quantum Faith" and newest release "The Spirit of Prophecy".

Along with continuing the radio ministry of her father, Charles Capps, she is now the host of the Concepts of Faith television program which broadcasts on many independent stations and networks including Daystar, TCT Network, and The Victory Channel.

Coming from a long family history of farming, Annette maintains this close connection with the land by managing her family's farmland in Arkansas. She and her husband live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma where the ministry is now located.