I have observed that some people think all Christians are totally equal and exactly the same, and I suppose to a degree this is true.
However, it doesn’t take long to see differences when you look at each believer’s assets (experiences, accomplishments, positions, anointing, and godly appointments) and calculate them with their deficits (hurts, failures, shipwrecks, temptations, sins, weights, and faith breaks).
Each believer should be serving God in his own capacity according to the measure that has been given him. Also, we have to remember there are different degrees in which these believers serve: i.e., some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, some a hundredfold.
I have had the privilege of sharing the Lord in most of the states in America and in many foreign countries. I have learned many things and obtained a diversity of experiences. Out of these learning experiences, I have come to some simple conclusions about the kingdom of God in its relationship to this world.
People come in different sizes, colors, and shapes. They live in different climates and conditions, and they speak different languages. Temperatures vary as well as environment, weather, laws, and customs.
But God is God everywhere! His Word works everywhere! The devil is the devil everywhere. Sin is sin everywhere, and strife is strife everywhere. There are certain principles and laws that do not change no matter where you go.
I always like to remind people that the Bible is the absolute, infallible, inspired Word of God no matter where it is read, spoken, or applied. Some people actually think they add validity to the Word of God by believing in it or that they take away from its validity by not believing in it.
Let me tell you, the Word of God is the truth already settled in Heaven, and whether or not you believe it has absolutely no bearing at all. It is the truth. God is not a man that He should lie.
The more you believe and confess it, the more it will work for you. Nevertheless, it is still the Word of God—believe it or not.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” (2 Tim. 3:16).
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Mark T. Barclay is known as a Preacher of Righteousness. He is a proven, precise leader among ministers worldwide. God has anointed him with a severely accurate prophetic ministry.
For over 40 years, Mark T. Barclay has traveled the world over, preaching the uncompromised Word of God and preparing God's people for His coming.
Author of many books, curricula, syllabi, and periodicals, he has become known as a prolific contemporary writer, literally shaping the futures of many people and demanding growth of a higher caliber throughout the body of Christ.