Do you want to know the way to a fit body, spirit and soul? If so, this article is for you.

Do you want to know the way to a fit body, spirit and soul? If so, this article is for you.

John. 3:31 says, "...and talks the Language of the Earth (his words are from an earthly standpoint)" (AMP).

The number one question I get in the gym is, "How do I lose weight?"

I reply with, "What have you been doing to lose weight?"

Nine out of ten times I will get same answer: "Everything."

The next statement is what has been the hindrance of change in their bodies: "I have tried everything, yet nothing seems to work."

Let me say that again for you to hear it loudly and clearly: "Nothing seems to work."

This is what St. John was speaking of when he said "The Language of the Earth." The areas of your life you are attempting to overcome are the areas of your life in which you need to learn the power of confessing The Covenant.

The Lord spoke to me years ago and said to me, "When your confession is out of line with my Covenant, then your flesh is out of line with my Word." That rang through me year after year with the revelation of what I call "mouth fitness."

I knew if I was going to train any part of my body, then I'd better train my mouth first!

The key to your physical fitness goal is consistency in your mouth! This is three-fold: What you put in your mind (1) is what you put in you mouth (2). This is what eventually becomes your heart's desire (3).

Jesus said, " ...It's what comes out of a man's mouth that defiles him or her."

As believers, we must deal learn how to discipline our tongues so they don't end up defiling us, or inadvertently hindering our goals. This begins with speaking the language of the Kingdom, not the curse!

Proverbs 7:2-3 says, "Keep my commands and live, and my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart."

How do we write His laws on the tablets of our hearts?

Psalm 45:1 reads, "...My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." Use your tongue to write your life. Use your tongue to develop your body. Use your tongue to call out to God. Use your tongue to make amends with somebody you have wronged. Use your tongue to stop you from sinning.

Mark 11:24 tells us that "You will have whatever you say." What is your "whatever?" It's what you have spoken with your mouth, and have believed in your heart.

Romans 10 says, "...with the heart we believe." You can't believe with your tongue. You say with your tongue and believe with your heart. Then, and only then, does development come.

What we believe we can achieve. "For nothing is impossible for them that believeth!" (Mark 9:27)

You see, the mouth is a gateway to the stomach. Yet it's also a gateway to your heart (or spirit).

Proverbs 18:21 educates us that "Life or Death is in the power of the tongue."

The tongue can literally bring you life or bring you death. Therefore I say to you, choose life! When our minds choose life, we do away with the language of the world and take on a higher lever of communication; a sanctified kind of talk.

The physical realm can be a mirror of the internal spiritual realm. We who are out of order on the outside usually have something negative going on in the inside.

We all need to live wisely. I am not saying this to judge anyone, yet to remind us all to stay awake! If you know your body is out of alignment, stop speaking death and say what the prodigal son said: "I have come to my senses. What have I been doing?"

Put your mouth on this diet. Take this three times per day.
Heavenly Father, I thank you that my Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

I thank you that deliverance is in my mouth. Life or death is in the power of my tongue. Now, body, you listen to me! I command my metabolism to speed up. I command my sugar levels to balance. I curse all forms of obesity, disease, swelling, and pain. I command my eating habits to align with the spirit of self-control.

I thank you that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), and it is growing in me every day! I am filled with self-control in my eating habits. Flesh—calm down! Body fat—decrease! Lean muscle tissue—increase! Metabolism—speed up!

Praise you, Father, for filling me with the peace of God.
If you don't deal with your mouth, then no equation, no pill, no doctor, and no diet can help you. I have witnessed this from over 12,000 hours in gyms training people who were as genetically blessed as they come, but their confessions were negative.

Sooner or later, the absence of good confessions caused them to resort to unhealthy alternatives such substance abuse, which is a serious problem. This, in turn, activates within them the stigma that they have become "a victim" of the system!

St. John writes, "...but He who comes from heaven is far above all others." That "He" is Jesus, and now He lives in you!

Now go for it! You can do it! You're a believer! Speak His Word!
Be blessed, GOD; TRAIN me in your ways of wise living. I'll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth.
(Ps. 119:12)
Copyright © Kingdom Conditioning Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.