Do you want to experience great success in all you do for the Lord? Do you desire the greatest measure of joy and the highest possible quality of life that can be had on earth? Do you want God to bless everything that you do?

You'll find these things and much more as you do one simple thing—discover and follow God's plan for your life.

God has a plan for your life that is more wonderful than you can imagine. It's a plan for a life in which every need is abundantly met. A life where everything your hand touches prospers. A life filled to overflowing with peace, joy, love and close continuous fellowship with the Father.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, there's more. It's also a life that contributes to God's overall plan of redemption for mankind. And herein lies a key to experiencing all of the blessings God has already provided for you.

Now, God wants you to have the things He has promised you in His Word simply because He loves you. And it is true that you cannot earn those blessings you receive them by faith. The Word does say, however, that you are to seek first the kingdom of God, then all these things will be added to you (Matt. 6:33).

Why will these things or blessings be added to you even chase you down and overtake you when you seek God's rule in your life? Because you need them to make your supply available for the carrying out of God's plan of redemption.

When you are unselfishly seeking to promote God's plan in the earth, He will see to it that you are abundantly supplied to help Him expand His kingdom. Learning what your part is in this plan involves nothing more than allowing the Holy Spirit to fulfill His ministry in your life.

The Holy Spirit has come to do two things in the earth. To endue with power and to reveal the plan of God. Thank God that we are not left to our own ability to carry out God's plan, but we must also realize that He won't empower us to do our own thing. We must pursue His plan if His power is to be present in our lives.

The Holy Spirit starts this process by revealing the Word of God to your heart. You can memorize whole books of the Bible but unless you allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation knowledge of the scriptures, they will be just a bunch of words on a page.

You must start with the Word of God because it gives you the big picture of God's will for all believers of all ages. It's God's plan for the whole Church body in the earth and for each of us, corporately and individually.

In harmony with the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will also reveal to you the specifics of God's plan for your life. He'll reveal to you your personality, gifts, talents, abilities and how to apply them. He will show you where to live and work, what church to join, and what your role is to be in ministry. He'll show you where and how to use all the gifts that He has given you.

Please know this, God has big plans for your life. Don't allow Satan to deceive you. God's plan for you is not dependent on your socioeconomic background, the color of your skin, how smart you are, or even your level of education. Don't be thinking that God can't use you in big ways.

Listen, He created you. He knew what He was doing when He designed a plan for your life. If God asks you to do something, if He plants a big dream in your heart, then you can do it.

If your life is not working the way you want it to, maybe you need to get off of your plan and get on to God's. That starts by allowing the Holy Spirit to impart God's vision into your heart. Vision literally means, "mental sight." It is your ability to envision in the mind's eye God's destiny for your life.

Proverbs 29:18 tells us how important God's vision is; "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

Perish, in this case, means a slow death. Without having a vision for your life lined up with the will of God, you'll be walking away from God and progressively more and more death will touch your life.

But praise God, 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, neither has entered the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him."

"I can see that, Pastor Mac." you may be saying. "I know I need God's vision for my life but how do I cooperate with the Holy Spirit to receive that vision?"

Receiving the Vision
Many Christians today know little or nothing about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. They are like the believers the apostle Paul came across in Ephesus. When asked if they received the Holy Spirit since they believed, they answered;

"We've not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit" (Acts 19:2).

Like the believers at Ephesus, you need to be baptized (or filled) with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues (Acts 19:6). Then, spend time praying in tongues. Allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you God's perfect plan for your life (Rom. 8:26).

As you do, your vision will come. You'll begin receiving Holy Ghost ideas and dreams. The plan will begin unfolding in your heart.

Write the Vision
When the revelation of God's plan for you begins to take shape, you need to be obedient to Habbukuk 2:2; "Write the vision, make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it."

When you write your vision down and review it regularly, God will give your life supernatural momentum and direction as you "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14).

Mac Hammond Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.