Is there hope for your marriage if your mate has committed adultery? Can you be expected to forgive? Can the unfaithful partner, who has repented, receive forgiveness and be restored to his family?

When one marriage partner gets into adultery, the devil loves to go to the offended mate and say, "Well, your marriage is over. There's nothing that can be done. You could never forgive your mate. It will never be the same." But, the devil is a liar.

Many people get sidetracked from the will of God when it comes to adultery. Certainly it is a terrible thing. But let me tell you something - adultery is not too big of a problem for God. No matter what bondage you or your mate may be in, God can set you free. He can bring healing and reconciliation if you allow Him to.

In Old Testament times, the penalty for adultery was death. What a severe punishment! But when Jesus came, He said, "I've come with a new law. I've come with a law of love."

One day they brought a woman to Jesus who had been caught in the very act of adultery and asked what should be done to her. They probably expected Jesus to say to her, "That's it - forget it! It's the end of her life. Stone her."

Did Jesus do that? Remember, He is our Example. No, the Lord gazed at that accusing mob and said, "Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone." One by one they backed away. Then Jesus tenderly said to the adulteress, "Woman, your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more."

Be like Jesus - Forgive!
That's how Jesus reacted to adultery. And if Jesus can do it, we can do it. He's given us the same power - the power of the Holy Ghost - to forgive the same way He forgives, to love like He loves.

Just because your mate has been unfaithful to you doesn't mean your marriage is over. Don't ever let the devil tell you that. Your marriage is not over. God can heal your hurt. God can help you forgive.

As my dad, Pastor John Osteen, often said, "Only the guilty need mercy." We must remember the times when we needed mercy, when we blew it, and how God forgave us and gave us another chance.

Maybe your husband or wife had to give you a second chance - or a third or fourth chance - for some offense or failure. You have to remember that. We never have a right to hold unforgiveness in our hearts.

When you forgive, a healing takes place in your heart. If you will just make the decision to obey the Word of God and say, "Yes, God, I will forgive," then the Lord will bring love back into your heart. He will restore your love and give you the power to forgive and forget even an offense as serious as adultery.

First Things First
So often a woman or man has come to me personally, and said, "My mate has committed adultery and I'm so hurt I don't think I want him/her back anymore. I don't even know why I'm here. I want help, but I just don't think I want my mate back."

I always tell these people, "Don't worry about your marriage now. Let's take care of you. Let God do a work in you."

As I minister to these individuals, I help them see that God can help them release all unforgiveness and hurt so they can be free. After they allow God to heal their hurts, it never fails that they come back and say, "I think I want my marriage restored. I do love my mate after all."

What changed their mind? We didn't talk them into it. They allowed God's healing power to heal their hurts. And when that happens - change occurs.

Adultery is Not an Unforgivable Sin
Something takes place in the hearts of people who forgive and obey the Word of God. And when those people we prayed with decided to forgive, when they decided to release their anger and bitterness and let God heal their broken hearts, then God did a work in their lives.

Then they could see that they could forgive their mates and go on together - even after adultery. So don't ever let the devil tell you that your marriage is over because your mate or you (or both of you) have committed adultery.

Adultery is not an unforgivable sin. Jesus forgives and He is the Healer.

Source: Six Lies the Devil Uses to Destroy Marriages by Lisa Comes
Excerpt permission granted by Lakewood Church