When your heart is broken and you feel your mate has hurt you too deeply for words to express, the devil loves to whisper in your ear.

He says, "Your mate has hurt you and wronged you too much. How could you love him or her anymore? You could never love like you used to so you might as well split up."

I refer to this often because I've personally been healed of a broken heart. I know what it's like to have hurt, rejection and grief in my spirit. The devil came to me when I was really down and said, "You can't ever love that person anymore. He's hurt you too much. You might as well just give up." And that lie nearly destroyed me.

The Bible says that heartache crushes the spirit and that a weak and broken spirit cannot sustain a person (see Pr. 15:13; 18:14). So it's hard for a person in this state to love - or have hope of ever feeling love again.

But God has the answer for this, too. You don't have to live with a broken heart and a wounded spirit. You don't have to live with rejection in your heart. You can be completely free - right now, this minute - you can be free of that hurt.

And when you get free, you will see that love is still there inside your heart. You'll discover that you really can love as God loves. God replaces your limited, imperfect love with a supernatural love when you let Him heal your broken heart.

What Jesus Did for You
The Bible teaches that Jesus not only bore our sins and sicknesses on the cross, but listen to this - He bore our griefs. See if you relate to these things: He bore our weaknesses. He bore our sorrows. He bore our pain. He bore our distresses.

And the Bible says that he felt rejected on the cross. He didn't do that for himself - He did it all for you. He bore all of that pain and all that sorrow so you wouldn't have to live with it.

Luke 4:18 and Psalm 147:3 tells us that Jesus heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Those verses are directed to you. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty - there is healing and peace.

And the Spirit of the Lord is near you right now to heal and restore you and set you free.

I encourage you to release all the anger and unforgiveness you may feel - all malice and all bitterness that you may have in your heart. Decide to release that - turn it loose and let it go. God wants to set you free from the hurt of rejection. You don't have to live with that sick feeling anymore.

I could tell you many wonderful stories of how God has healed broken hearts. A woman came to Lakewood Church who had been separated from her husband for several months.

They had endured great strife because of serious communication problems. She reached the point where she had no love for her husband. When she left him, she ended up backsliding into the world. She gave up on her husband, on God, on her marriage, and on herself.

Then one night she found herself at Lakewood Church. There she heard me talk about how God could heal a broken heart instantly. She believed God's Word and asked for a prayer.

Immediately God removed the hurt and put a deep love in her heart for her husband. She said she felt like a new person. Later she went to talk with her husband and they both gave their lives totally to Jesus. Today they have a beautiful marriage.

This is what God can do for you. You see, the love of God has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost (see Rom. 5:5). But you must not allow that love to be buried by hurts and wounds. Let God heal the hurts and uncover the love in your heart.

Healing for a Broken Heart
There was a time in my life when I was so hurt and wounded, I felt sick in my spirit. So I told the Lord, "God, I cannot live with a broken heart. I cannot walk in faith and do Your will with this sick feeling. You have to set me free of this rejection."

I was so oppressed, so down that I couldn't see the way out. But when I cried out to God, He healed me instantly. He cleansed my wounds and removed the scars. I am free to walk in the fullness of God's blessings.

You may say, "That sounds so simple." It is! We make things too hard sometimes. We think we have to go through some great drawn-out, protracted inner healing process. But that's not the way it is.

The healing of a broken heart is a part of redemption and we need to receive it just like we receive salvation or physical healing. You can receive healing of a broken heart instantly if you will just cry out to God right now.

Source: Six Lies the Devil Uses to Destroy Marriages
by Lisa Comes
Excerpt permission granted by Lakewood Church