"He [Jesus] took up our infirmities and carried our diseases" (Matt. 8:17).

It used to be as tough to get people to make decisions for Jesus as it is to get them healed today. Religious tradition had convinced people that salvation couldn't be obtained by the average person.

Then, Dwight L. Moody started preaching that Jesus took their sins upon Himself, and if they'd simply receive the gift of salvation, He would be their Lord!

You'd hear that message in every church service. If you walked in the door and admitted you weren't a Christian, somebody would grab you and tell you that Jesus died for your sins! They would tell you to trust Him and He would change your life forever.

What do you think would happen if everyone picked up on the truth about healing in the same way? Healing would become as easily received as salvation!

If you're wishing such a move of God would begin, stop wishing and start your own! Dig into the Bible. Study and think about God's promises about healing. Listen to messages by men and women who understand healing.

Then, start sharing the healing power of God with others who need to hear it.

I'm not saying this will be easy. No, you'll have to stand strong for it in order to win. But when you stand strong in faith, you will see God's healing power touch through you!1

Make Your Day Count
Look up Scriptures on healing like 1 Peter 2:24; 3 John 2; and Psalm 103:1-3. If you need healing in your body, receive it by faith, based on these verses. Then begin to thank God for healing you!

1Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Load Up, p. 85.

Source: Make Your Day Count For Teens by Lindsay Roberts
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers