If Christians today would get a true understanding of what happened when Jesus was raised from the dead, the same thing would happen to us that happened to the people in Acts 5. We'd get bold.

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.

(Eph. 6:19)
If Christians today would get a true understanding of what happened when Jesus was raised from the dead, the same thing would happen to us that happened to the people in Acts 5. We'd get bold.

Not with "faking-it" boldness that falls flat on its face, but with God-generated boldness that brings miracles on the scene.

If you want to see what can take place when that kind of boldness is around, read Acts 5. There were miracles and decisions to follow Jesus. The sick were healed and lives were changed.

For years I read this and thought only the apostles were involved in this great move of God, but all the Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke God's Word with boldness.

This group preached about Jesus' rising all over town until thousands of people made Jesus their Lord. Then those people filled the streets, bringing in the sick to be healed!

You can have that kind of boldness. You get it by faith, just like the Christians in Acts 4 and 5. Want to turn your school upside down for God? Then get hold of God's Word. Dare to believe it. Then preach it in faith with boldness.

Soon, people will be waiting at your locker, because they'll know that's where they can be saved, healed, and rescued.1

Make Your Day Count
Read Acts 4 and 5. Pray that God will give you that kind of boldness. Then step out and share God's love with someone today.

1Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Load Up, p. 105.

Source: Make Your Day Count For Teens by Lindsay Roberts
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers