What about you? Have you been in a holding pattern? Did you step out of the line and go AWOL? Maybe you burned out and thought God would forget all about you.

"And say to Archippus, 'Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.'" (Col. 4:17 NKJV)

Has God ever talked to you about the ministry? Have you ever sensed the call to serve God? Ever responded to a prayer or altar call where you surrendered to the Lord and His call on your life? Ever been moved to tears and prayed your heart out, just because you sensed God’s hand upon your life?

Today, we'll take a look at Archippus – “Archie” – and see how we can fulfill the ministry we have received from the Lord! Let's take a look at this simple verse of Scripture.

Take Heed: This means that we are to discern, perceive, discover, look upon and know by experience. Have you discerned, perceived and discovered the ministry you have received in the Lord? What has the Lord called you to do in this season? Do you remember a clear and distinct call or encounter with the Lord regarding His hand upon your life?

The Ministry: This is a vast word that simply means, “service.” What type of service has the Lord called you to? Are you called to serve, help and execute the commands of others? Are you called to minister in a full-time vocational ministry office? Has the Lord given you a ministry that is behind the scenes – one that is practical, load-lifting, administrative, technical or creative? Or has the Lord given you a ministry that requires you to speak, teach and share the Word of God? If you’re a newer Christian, perhaps your ministry is in a more entry-level role of simply helping through prayer or other practical ways. If you’re a more seasoned Christian, maybe the Lord has called you to get more involved in leadership, training and multiplication.

You Have Received: This means there is ‘something’ you have received, taken and laid hold of. To receive means you say “Yes” to the ministry and service assigned to you by God. When the Lord called – you answered and received His orders. What has happened in your life and ministry since you received His calling?

Fulfill It: Some of the meanings of this are – to complete, fill up, consummate, fill to the brim, make complete in every particular, render perfect, to carry through to the end, to accomplish and carry out. In other words, when we fulfill the ministry and say yes to the ministry God has requested of us – fulfill it to the brim – completely. We complete every particular and consummate the service and ministry we've been asked and agreed to do. Where are you? Did you start? Have you hit the halfway mark? Are you still running? Keep going – the finish line will be in sight soon!

I wonder why the Apostle Paul felt compelled to give Archie that little exhortation? I wonder if Archie had gotten burned out and taken a break? Maybe he had gotten offended at Paul or other church leaders and bailed? From other Scriptures, we see that Archie was a fellow soldier in the gospel with Paul – maybe the pressure and persecution of ministry had worn him down? In any event, the Apostle Paul was doing his best to restart or jumpstart Archie by exhorting him to, “take heed to the ministry he had received from the Lord – to fulfill it.”

What about you? Have you been in a holding pattern? Did you step out of the line and go AWOL? Maybe you burned out and thought God would forget all about you. Have you been offended by church people or leaders and bailed? Maybe you feel like Jonah; you don’t want to obey God and you are running as fast as you can in the opposite direction! Whatever is going on and whatever the reason – the Lord wants to encourage you today!

Here’s the deal, He believes in you. If God called you and gave you a ministry to fulfill – He won’t change His mind. You won't ever be able to scratch the “ministry itch” with any thing but obedience to fulfill it. The Bible says this, “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:29, NLT) He picked you for a reason and He wants and needs you to fulfill the ministry.

Today – why don’t you get started in fulfilling the ministry you received? Be like Archie, stop running, look up and listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice speaking to you, “Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you.” (Colossians 4:17, NLT)
Say It: Father, I don’t want to run from You or Your plan for my life. I don’t want to abdicate on the ministry and service You have called me to fulfill. Today, I take heed – I perceive and pay attention to the things You have asked me to do. I said ‘Yes’ to You before and I say ‘Yes’ to You again. I ask You for the grace I need to fulfill and bring to completion the ministry You have called me to do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

 Beth Jones Ministries
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