Abraham was given precious promises. God promised Abraham he would be blessed and become a blessing to the whole world. Abraham was promised a child by his wife Sarah. This would be a miracle because Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old, well past her time of being able to conceive a child. (Gen. 17:17). Abraham did not stagger at the promises of God. Abraham had great faith. The Apostle Paul mentions Abraham's faith in this passage in Romans.
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
(Rom. 4:21)
The Apostle Paul is describing how Abraham was persuaded God was going to bless him with a child through Sarah. God had given him a promise and he believed God at His word. Sarah had a child, and Abraham became the father of many nations. (Gen. 21:2). One of Abraham's descendants was Jesus Christ.

When you believe God's promises are true, even when the circumstances look bad, you are demonstrating faith in God. Abraham was fully persuaded God's promises were true. You can be fully persuaded God's promises are true, and you can be blessed.

Here is the key to partaking of God's divine nature. God has given you promises. God also has given you the power to believe His promises. God's promises are activated when you are fully persuaded God is able to do what He said He could do.

This is the key to entering into a life where God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or imagine. When you have faith in God's promises, the power of the Holy Spirit works in you and through you to bring them to pass.

When you read and act on the promises of God that are His will for your life, you can be fully persuaded He can fulfill His promises. The more you meditate on the promises found in the Bible, the more you will be persuaded God is able and willing to bring them to pass.

We have read in 2 Peter 1:4 where the promises will help you escape the corruption and lust in the world. If you are fully persuaded, you will not act on the temptation to be drawn away in unbelief. If you are fully persuaded, you will not act on thoughts of worry, fear or failure. The Holy Spirit, the power of God working in you, keeps you from falling into the traps of the enemy.

Source: No More Limits! by Happy Caldwell
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers