Anyone who is tempted to put curses and spells on other people needs to look inside their heart and ask themselves why they want to do it. All these things come from hearts that are selfish, self-centered, and have no concern or regard for others. Anyone doing these things is headed for trouble and pain. They will reap what they sow, which means doing hurtful things to others will eventually come back on them.

Even Christian children are being deceived into believing something like Halloween is innocent fun, and harmless holiday, where ghosts and goblins are just cute little pictures on candy bags. But God takes these things very seriously. In Bible days if they found anyone who was a witch or a sorcerer (someone who practices magic) they would kill them! God hated what they did. Their wrong choices led to their own destruction.

We Christians can hear God's voice speak to our hearts—the world does something similar and calls it ESP (extra sensory perception). God has given us prophecy to tell us of future events—the world looks into crystal balls. We have prophets—they have psychics. We talked about angels appearing to us—people say they see ghosts and dead people! We talk about having a conversation in our minds with God—the world calls it mental telepathy. We see the Apostle Paul had an experience where he wasn't sure if he was in his body or out of it—the world has a counterfeit called "astral projection."

Everything God has, the devil has created a counterfeit to keep people from finding out about the reality of our Lord and Savior. He's not being sneaky any more. He is boldly trying to convince boys and girls like you that he's got more power, has more fun, and does more supernatural things than God does.

He's convincing thousands of children that bad is good, that wrong is right, that darkness is better than light, and that he's the only one with power! But you know the truth! It's a lie that putting spells and curses on your enemies is okay, because God tells us to love our enemies, and do good to those who are bad to us! (Matthew 5:44)

Walking in God's anointing and power allows us to speak blessings over others. That shows God's love in your heart. In blessing others, you will be blessed beyond imagination. God will work miracles through you that will amaze you! You will be a blessing everywhere you go. You, too, will reap what you sow! Jesus has set us free, and will use us to help set others free. He wants to bless you!

Source: School Of The Holy Spirit, p. 153 by Becky Fischer
Excerpt permission granted by Kids In Ministry International