Many of us have been raised in families that believe in Jesus. We've heard Bible stories all of our lives, go to church almost every Sunday, and many of us asked Jesus into our hearts when we were very young.

In many of our homes, our moms and dads and entire families are Christians. So are most of our friends.

In an environment like that it's very hard for us to understand that most of the people in the world have never even heard the name of Jesus, much less had a chance to ask Him into their lives.

Most of the people in the world believe in thousands of gods. In many cases they are afraid of their gods, and are always trying to do things they think will make their gods happy.

Like us, they want their gods to bless them. But most of the time, they receive only pain and heartache no matter how much they do. It seems to them that their gods are always angry with them. If they believe in heaven at all, there's almost no chance of getting to go there.

Then there are others who don't believe in any god at all. They believe we just live and die, and that's the end of things. They believe that all there is to life is what they make of it, so they work hard, play hard, and sin hard. They really have little hope in anything other than what they can make happen during their lifetime.

Really Good News!
All people, no matter what they believe, need to hear the good news that, not only is there a God, but He's a God that loves them and cares about what happens to them. They need to know He wants to bless them in every way.

If a person has no hope of ever making his gods happy, then it's really good news to find out there's a God that loves them so much that He gave His son to die for their sins.

To a blind man, it's good news to hear you don't have to be blind anymore. To a poor man, it's good news to find out you don't have to be poor anymore. To a lost man, it's good news to find out you don't have to be lost anymore.

People need to hear some good news! It's up to every one of us to tell them the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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