I encourage women to strive for nothing less than the best in life. Don't settle for an average lifestyle. Avoid allowing any sweet-talking man to come into your life and ruin it.

Begin to realize that you're a woman of value who deserves to be treated with love and respect.

Do yourself a favor. Don't accept emotional, physical or verbal abuse from anyone. You deserve better. Your Heavenly Father would never threaten you that way.

My husband says, "If you don't know the purpose of a thing, you will abuse it." Likewise, if you don't know God's purpose for your life, or if others fail to recognize it, abuse is inevitable-whether it's verbal, mental or physical.

The Bible tells us that our calling as women of God is to be virtuous women (Prov. 31). The virtuous woman is the ideal image He wants us to reflect.

For years, we've searched magazine racks and visited cosmetic counters in an attempt to become the ideal woman, when all along, God's Word has held the ultimate solution.

A virtuous woman is not someone who always does all the right things. She's not superwoman. Instead, she's God's woman; a priceless jewel in His sight. She is one whose ultimate desire is to please God and to fulfill His will for her life. She knows that being a woman after God's heart is the key to her success.

Make no mistake. A virtuous woman is not weak and subservient. She isn't a slave. Instead, she is submissive to God, willing to yield to His plan for her life.

World Changers Ministries
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