"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision..." (Joel 3:14).

Insecure people who haven't conquered intimidation are indecisive. They are simply unable to make decisions.

I've been there. How about you?

Have you ever found yourself unable to decide what you want to eat and where? You meditate and vacillate. It's ridiculous!

I used to second guess my decisions and change my mind a lot. I know what you're thinking—that's because you're a woman! (Smile)!

You're probably right. Anyway, we need to just decide to be decisive—make a decision and stick with it.

Indecision is a waste of precious time. We accomplish more with less effort when we become decisive.

We often waste so much time wondering if we've made the right decision. We need to believe for wisdom in making decisions, and then act like we have it.

Sometimes, when I am not sure about a decision, I just decide not to decide right now—if it can wait. I have found that deciding not to decide right now is a decision.

Source: Conquering Intimidation by Kate McVeigh
All rights reserved. Used by permission.