Here rests in honored glory an American solider known only to God.
—Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

I recently discovered that the Romans (my people) taught the world the importance of demonstrating servanthood.

The early Italians viewed the head covering as an emblem of social or political superiority. When an Italian man tipped his hat to a passerby, it was a sign of servitude.

Since the l950s our dress code in America has become more relaxed, but before that men almost always wore hats. When they removed them or tipped them, it was a sign of respect or servanthood.

In the past we had familiar phrases such as "with hat in hand," and "I take my hat off to him." These expressions reflected the understanding of this concept of servanthood.

Jesus taught His disciples the importance of servanthood as a means to reach the lost. Unfortunately, too many of us today want to be served; we do not want to be servants.

We want to be up front, noticed, and acclaimed. Just as the tradition of showing respect by removing or tipping one's hat has almost disappeared, so has the tradition of servanthood by those who call themselves Christians.

I call an attitude of servanthood "the silent witness."

If you are helpful on your job, an attentive listener to friends, or the one who reaches out to help someone in any way, you have become a servant.

If you can see a need and meet it before you are asked, then you have mastered servanthood.

If this is an area you are lacking, practice "taking off your hat" this week. Each day commit yourself to one random act of kindness.

Do something that is not already required of you. Remember, to reach the world you must first be like Jesus, the greatest servant of all.
Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.
(Matt. 25:21)

Source: Mission 3:16 Devotional by Carman.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing