We're marching and moving, onward and upward, the Kingdom of God is on a forceful advance. We are taking dominion over the darkness, tearing down the walls of the enemy's hands.
— Gary Oliver
On Sunday, July 20, 1776, General George Washington was preparing his troops to advance against the British. The cause of freedom had finally come to a head and the army was prepared to fight for it.

On that day, General Washington first encouraged the soldiers to observe the day and attend church services, but also told them to be ready to take immediate action if necessary.

Washington admonished his troops:
The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die.
The battle is once again raging in America. Our religious freedoms are being threatened. Movies, television, magazines, newspapers, and even the educational channels on TV mock religious values and promote humanistic thinking.

As a result, immoral thinking and behavior is at an all-time high.

Some basic religious freedoms, such as prayer in public schools, have already been legislated away. It is time to stand up and put God in America again!

Are you ready to march and move, unashamed, armed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? You must be ready at a moment's notice to march into the enemy's camp and take back what has been stolen from you.

Arm yourself with the Word of God and the power of the Spirit. Then go forth to declare the name of Jesus in your neighborhood, your school, your city, and your country.

When each of us carries out our Mission 3:16, America will be called a Christian nation once more.

Source: Mission 3:16 Devotional by Carman.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing