God, the Creator, went into great detail in creating our physical body, going down to even the minutest of molecules as a basis to form the entire human being.

God put us on this tiny planet engulfed in a universe so big that a computer would burn out trying to cover it all.

God Has Big Plans for His Kids

Did God—Who made us and placed us in a universe so large we cannot conceive of its limitless size, and Who placed us in a body which at its conception was blueprinted down to the smallest detail—leave us here in between to run around like a rat in a maze in this thing called life?

If that were true, He might have said, "Well, I got them started. Now I'll see how they make it. Oops! There they go bumping into something."

But God didn't lave us here on our own.

Big Outside; Small Inside
The Bible says the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. (Ps. 37:23.) Nobody else except you and me, as parents, are better qualified to plant inside our children the vision of how big God is and how small He can become to reach them right where they are.

Remember, God called to the apostle John on the isle of Patmos and said to him, "...Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter (Rev. 4:1). Then John was taken up into heaven and shown things of the future.

If you can imagine, God is sitting at the center of existence where there is no time; and in our universe, time revolves around Him. Where we are, time is; where God is, there is no time.

God tells John to watch while events are taking place. As John is writing down all that he sees, he must be thinking, Wow! That's really something! The things he sees hadn't happened yet; he is seeing them as they are occurring.

Don't miss this point: All that John saw hadn't happened yet; he was watching as those events were taking place before him.

That's why Jesus, speaking of the Holy Spirit, said: "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come...he will shew you things to come (John 16:13). Why? Because He is God.

Good Plans
God knows what we are going to do two minutes from now, two days from now, two months from now, two years from now. God has good plans for His children.

When Israel was being taken captive in Babylon, God was saying to them: "Boys, I know it doesn't look good, but this wasn't My plan. The plans I have for you aren't meant to harm you but to prosper you. I have plans to give you a future and a hope" (author's paraphrase; see Jer. 29:11-14).

You need to realize that the world is lying when it says, "God did that to you!" God didn't do it; the devil did it, or the world's system did it—or maybe your own flesh did it.

When God called Jeremiah as His prophet, Jeremiah was half-scared. He was saying, "Lord, I don't know if I can do this." But God was saying; "Yes, you can, son. Stop your knees from knocking. Just be still and listen to Me. Before ever made heaven and earth, I knew you name" (author's paraphrase; Jer 1:4-8).

Even if you don't know who your parents are, God knows your name and He has a plan for your life. You need to realize that nobody ever catches God off guard.

He has a divine blueprint for your life. He says, "I know the plans I have for you. They are good plans to prosper you and to give you a future and a hope." Do you believe that?

Source: God Knows How To Raise Your Kids
Even If You Don't
by Joe McGee
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers