Belief creates attitude and attitude behavior. Your actions (or behavior) produce the results (or fruit) of your life. So think of it this way, if your mind is receiving bad truth, your belief will produce bad attitude, which will eventually produce bad fruit.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap!
(Gal. 6:7)
Do you know what this verse provides? This verse is a truth evaluator. It determines the credibility of your truth.

Be not deceived. Deception is perception in deep ignorance. No matter what you believe, you will have to face the reality of its credibility by judging the results of its functioning existence.

If you're reaping good stuff, you are believing good truth. If your life is producing bad stuff, you're believing bad truth.

Truth is your belief, belief creates your attitude and your attitude creates your behavior and your behavior produces the results in your life.

So let me ask you, where do you want to go with your attitude today?

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All rights reserved. Used by permission.