One of the greatest faith challenges we face every day is to overcome temptation. That's why we need an abundance of God's Word on deposit in our hearts.

The Word gives us the wisdom and power we need to say no to Satan's solicitations to evil. Our part is to regard understanding or insight as your intimate friend - "That they may keep you from the loose woman, from the adventuress who flatters with and makes smooth her words" (Prov. 7:4-5 AMP).

It's amazing how much Proverbs talks about adultery in these first several chapters. Let's talk about this subject in light of God's unchanging Word.

Are God's Views On Adultery Outdated?
The modern world says that adultery and sex outside of marriage are all right. The world's attitude is, "Marriage is old-fashioned, and so is God. His ideas are outdated. There isn't anything wrong with adultery or premarital sex. Everyone does it."

But God never changes. His truth never changes. His ways never change.

Sin never changes either. Sin still pays the same wages. Sin always brings death, and it always will. Even if the whole world believes that sin brings no consequences, it won't change sin's outcome.

The world tries to deceive us, because the world is deceived itself. It is following after Satan, the deceiver, and he is deceived as well!

Often worldly people don't even know they are lying to you. They may actually believe that they can get away with immorality. Because they don't know God's truth, the devil's lies are the only reality they are familiar with.

That's why we go to God's Word. We don't base our lives on what we see, on what our neighbors say, nor on what we hear on television. Instead, we keep God's Word in the center of our eyesight.

We live and move and have our being according to that Word instead of according to the world around us. We believe what God says.

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries