"Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart" (Ps. 73:1 KJV).

God is good. It is not that God is winking at sin going, "Well, I see it, but that's okay." God sees that sin. He is saying that, legally, Satan should be able to grab you and take you out of here, but He's going to stop him.

God is good, so He is going to work with you, and give you time to come to your senses. You don't deserve it, but God is going to do it anyway, because God is good all the time.

Sometimes when you are on the wrong course, blessing will still come on you—for a while. God is good to you. He is showing you what could come your way if you keep walking in His ways. Don't get this wrong though. There is a point where you will pay the piper if you don't turn around.

But God is not like men are. If it were left up to people, you would have been fried like a crispy critter by now. You know how we can be. You know how you were with your kids: "I'm telling you once. That is all I'm going to tell you."

Well, God has already told us more than once. He has told us all repeatedly through His Word. If He said, "Now I told you once and that was it! Now you are going to get what you deserve…," we would be in trouble!

But God is a giver. He loves to dish out mercy and love. He dishes out longsuffering and patience. But not only is God good, He put His very character trait of the fruit of goodness in every believer.

Do you know that trait is somewhere in you? And it comes out every so often. Sometimes you surprise yourself. You'll say: "Oh! I didn't know I had that in me."

I'll tell you what it was. It was that fruit of the spirit. And the more you exercise the generosity of God by giving any/all to Him, God has a system in the kingdom whereby a man reaps what he sows.

So, if you give mercy, you are going to get some in return. If you are benevolent, then when you need benevolence it comes to you. Thank the Lord. God planted that seed of goodness inside you, and He is good all the time!

Copyright © Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.