Put the Devil on a Rope
How do you give Him the opportunity to bless you? By speaking His language the language of redemption!

If you don't know what that language sounds like, I can tell you right now, it doesn't sound like whining and crying and complaining. It sounds like, "Glory! Hallelujah! Victory is mine!"

Actually, the language of redemption is based on the Bible. The more you know and believe what the Bible says, the more fluent you'll become in the language of redemption. The more of the Word you put in your heart, the greater your vocabulary will become.

The language of redemption has particular verb tenses that are important. For example, Colossians 1:12 says, "the Father hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light."

Notice that scripture doesn't say that someday in the future, I'll have an inheritance in God. No, it says, God has already made me a partaker of that inheritance.

So, when you speak the language of redemption, you call for whatever God has provided for you through redemption and then you say, "It's mine now, in Jesus' name."

Sometimes that puzzles people. They can't figure out how they can say "healing is mine now" or "prosperity is mine now" when their body still hurts and their checking account is still empty.

I'll tell you why you can say that because 2,000 years ago Jesus paid the price for your healing and your prosperity. He obtained it for you way back then. So you aren't trying to get those things, they are already yours in Him.

Of course, the devil will try to steal those blessings. He'll try to talk you out of your faith by pointing to your symptoms or your checkbook. But don't let the devil discourage you. He's a defeated foe.

When Jesus was crucified, He battled the devil on his own territory and came out the victor. The Bible says. "having spoiled principalities and powers, (Jesus) made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it" (Col.2:15).

In today's vernacular, that would mean Jesus whipped him completely, put him on a rope behind his car and dragged him all through the city.

So when the devil tries to steal what's yours in Jesus' name, you do the same thing to him. Put him on a rope and drag him around by opening your mouth and speaking the language of redemption!

It's Never too Early to Start
When you start to talk about money, for instance, don't speak like the world does and say, "I don't know what I'm going to do. I just can't seem to make ends meet. No matter what I do, I keep getting further behind financially."

Instead, speak the language of redemption and say things like, "Bless God, Jesus redeemed me from the curse (Gal. 3:13) and poverty is a part of the curse (Deut. 28:38-40). He became poor so that I can be rich (2 Cor. 8:9).

So I speak to lack and command it to be removed from my life and I call money to come to me now. Praise God, I'm rich because my God meets all my needs (Phil. 4: 19). I don't lack any good thing because my God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant" (Ps. 34:10, 35:27).

That's the prosperity language! Don't you love the sound of it? It makes you happy just to read it, doesn't it!

Redemption has other languages too. There's a healing language and a deliverance language. There's a salvation language and a forgiveness language. As you speak those languages and start mixing them with faith, mountains will start moving in your life!

Right now those languages may seem hard for you. They may sound strange and feel unfamiliar to your tongue. But don't worry about that. Just get started. God will be delighted even with those first efforts if you'll make them by faith in sincerity of heart.

I'm sure God views us kind of like I viewed my grandbaby when he started talking. He is just learning the alphabet and we'll say, "Jessie, what does a 'P' sound like?" He'll answer , "Pah, pah, pah."

That may seem like no big deal to you, but to me and to his parents, it was a wonderful thing. We were thrilled with him and we rejoiced over every bit of progress he made.

How much more does God rejoice over us as we make our first, sometimes fumbling, attempts to learn the language of redemption?

I don't care how new you are to the family of God, you're not too young to learn this language. When my daughter and her husband's little boy was 14-months old they started saying, "You are empowered to prosper" instead of just, "Bless you." They speak out the meaning of that blessing.

Imagine if those were a baby's first words. Couldn't you just see that written in a baby book? First words: Empowered to prosper.

By the time he was grown, he'd be prospering everywhere he went. Everything he put his hand to would prosper because he learned early to speak the language of redemption.

Bless the Lord, that's what our heavenly Father wants to do for us right now. He wants to teach us a language. He wants to teach us a language of blessing, a language of favor, a language of peace, prosperity and salvation in every area of life.

He wants to teach us the language of redemption.

I've made up my mind. I am going to learn it.

How about you?

Mac Hammond Ministries
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