Have you ever seen anyone who just absolutely will not give up? What motivates people like that? They see things that other people don't see.

They have something on the inside of them that propels them forward. Some Christians are just not willing to pursue their dream. They give up too quickly. They let people talk them out of it. They let people destroy the seed of God's Word in their heart. They let circumstances convince them that there's no way.

We have to constantly feed our spirit the Word of God in order to stay strong and not give up under pressure and not compromise and quit. In the natural, it may look utterly impossible for it to ever come to pass, but we are a people of faith.

Faith people should be willing to go any distance. When you're that determined, then God is going to see to it that your dream comes to pass. But before the dream comes to pass, there will be some obstacles to overcome. Before the Israelites passed from Egypt to Canaan, there was a Red Sea to cross. You may have to cross a "Red Sea" too!

What has God put in your heart? Perhaps God has called you into the five-fold ministry. If so, then you must desire that more than anything else. When you desire it with all your heart, then you're going to pursue it with everything that is in you. We pursue the things we truly desire. We begin reading about them, we get all the information we can about them, and we refuse to give up until we have it.

Have you ever desired a "dream home?" So what do you do? Do you just sit around saying, "Well, if it be His will?" No. If you're like my wife, you've got architect magazines stacked up everywhere so you can get ideas.

Everywhere Carolyn goes, she sees an idea. She's filing those ideas. She's pursuing something she desires. Anything you truly desire, you're going to pursue it. You're going to channel energy, money, time, effort, and thoughts toward it. It's just the natural process of things.

So whatever it is that God has dropped in your heart, then don't let go of it. Pursue it with everything that is in you. Don't ever stop, become relentless, and don't ever give up!

Source: Turning Your Dreams Into Reality by Jerry Savelle.
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Ministries