There are many types of offenses the devil used to get us out of our love walk. One type of offense occurs when people become offended with God Himself. Perhaps someone prayed about something, and it seemed to him that God didn't answer his prayer.

For example, I remember at one time in my life, there was a certain job that I really wanted. I prayed so hard that I would be hired, but I never got the job! I could have been offended with God, but looking back on the situation, I now thank Him that the prayer was not answered in the way that I had hoped, because now I can clearly see that it wasn't His will.

God had something much better in store for me. Had I gotten that job, I would have missed out on countless blessings.

If you have never experienced this type of offense, someone you know probably has. Unfortunately, it's a very common problem among believers.

You see, Satan is the one sending those thoughts that place blame on God. The devil wants us to take offense with Him. He knows that when we are offended with God, we are not walking close to Him. And that's exactly where the enemy wants us: out of fellowship with the Lord.

But we should never blame or become offended with God. He is our loving Father. He is on our side. In fact, He loved us to much that He actually sent His only Son to die for our sins!

If anyone has ever been lied about, it's God Himself. Even the world system blames God for a lot of things He never caused. For example, when such things as storms, floods, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions cause immense damage, insurance companies call them "acts of God."

But the truth is, those natural disasters are acts of destruction and death. They certainly don't come from the One Who is the Giver of life!

Source: Get Over It: Overcoming the Enemy's Strategy of Offense
by Kate McVeigh.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers