I want to talk to you about being the real you. I want to talk to you about becoming the person that God intended for you to be. I call it "Get Down With Your Bad Self!"

Why do I call it that? Because we (that means YOU!) HAVE to put ourselves down; we have to decrease so that God can increase in our life (John 3:30).

We have to put our bad selves down. What do I mean by that? We have to take ourselves and examine what we are doing for God. Then we have to examine what we are doing for ourselves out of selfishness and then we need to put that part away and get serious with God. I'm telling you we have to bury the bad man!

I want to get serious with God. How many of you want to get serious with God?

(Now, look around you. If you are sitting next to someone at a computer and they are raising their hand it's because they are reading the same article on the Internet! YOU are in good company!)

What I want to get across to you is that we first have to take action by making a decision, and then following through with that action. By doing so we will show God that we really mean business.

Are you staying full of God? We need to ask ourselves that question.

Are you doing everything that you can to spend time in the Word of God? (You know...the Bible?)

Are you doing everything that you can to spend time in prayer?

Are you doing everything that you can to glorify God and not give any glory to the devil?

Or, are you just staying full once in a while and just having a cold snack the other times?

We all need to get to a place where we hunger and thirst after righteousness. We have to get to the point where all we want are the things of God.

It doesn't come right away. It comes by faith...when you agree to do what you know is right.

How do you make sure you know what is right? By spending that time with God.

By just showing Him that you mean business do you know what will happen? God will meet you there.

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