
Expectation Time
Instead of believing the 'good ole days' have forever passed, let's trust God to show us that the best is yet to come

cfaith Partner Letter
February 2011

While attending one of my son’s recent basketball tournaments, another parent commented on how tall my son was for a seventh grader. My son Ellis is 5' 10" and at only 13 years old, he is already as tall as I am.

It seems like only yesterday when I had to look down to Ellis, but now—much to his joy and amusement—we talk eye to eye. I sense that after he drinks a few more glasses of milk, I will soon be looking UP at him. So what’s up with that?!

My lighthearted conversation with that parent was a subtle reminder that my kids are growing up. Whether I like it or not, they are increasing.

Sometimes I wish I could freeze time with my kids and keep them forever young—like the way they are now. But time won’t allow it. My children are growing up and I am growing older. That’s the way it works. But rather than dwell on past times or things we can’t change, I believe it’s important to recognize and appreciate all that time has given us.

A Time For Everything
God says a lot of interesting things about time in the book of Ecclesiastes.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven...

...Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can.

- Eccl 3:1, 11-12 NLT

These verses encourage us to be happy in whatever time we are in. We are also reminded that it is impossible to comprehend God’s unique work in each of our lives, so I think it's time I stop trying to figure that one out!

Time For A New Outlook?
It’s tempting to want to freeze time and keep my kids the way they are, or keep my good relationships from changing, or keep my job the way it is, etc. But these thoughts are not realistic…nor do they reflect an attitude or an approach to life that is pleasing to God.

Why? Because thoughts such as these limit God. Living in the past limits our future.

If we tend to think that the good ‘ole days have come and gone, then all we will want to do is bask in yesterday’s glory, cling to cherished memories from years past, and not live fully today. But it’s wrong to assume that our best days are behind us and God is somehow unable or unwilling to help make our future brighter.

With God, the best is always yet to come.

Therefore, I don’t want to limit what the Lord has in store for me or my kids. I want my children to experience the ‘beautiful things’ that God has in store for those who love Him. That’s why I look forward to each and every day.

It’s important that we learn to accept, appreciate, and anticipate the promise of each new day. So let’s teach our children (and remind ourselves) to always look ahead with expectation every day, because the best is yet to come.

More Time To Reflect?
Here are some encouraging articles from the cfaith website that will help you with your relationship with time:

Don't Ask Time Where It's Gone...Tell It Where To Go
by John Mason

Stop Wastin' Time And Live

by Stephen Shives

The Dream Thief Of Time
by Rick Renner

Speaking Of Time...
I want you to know how much your prayers and support throughout the years has meant to all of us at cfaith and to all of our Affiliate Ministry Partners.

The number of lives around the world this ministry touches on a daily basis would not be possible without people like you. Your dedication and loyalty to cfaith over time has been a source of strength and encouragement not only to our staff and Ministry Partners, but more importantly to those individuals who have directly benefited from this ministry as a result of your faithfulness.

Thank you for partnering with us and supporting this worldwide missionary effort. As time passes, may you and your family continually discover those beautiful things which God has in store for you.

In His service,


Jeffrey Litfin
ministry operations leader