sleddogsWe all know that we should think on good things that are positive and uplifting. Unfortunately, it was easier for Paul to write than for us to practice. The question is, “How can I habitually think good thoughts?” I’ve confessed the Word, prayed, and read my Bible, but I am still overcome by discouraging and depressing thoughts. I still feel like a failure.” I believe there has been a missing link that will enable us to practice this scripture.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

As any gardener knows, you must remove the weeds and prepare the ground before you can grow a good crop. If we are going to have success in our thought life, we must first get rid of the weeds (negative thought patterns). The first step in getting rid of weeds is to be able to identify and recognize what the weeds are. I am convinced that all of us have self-defeating thought patterns that we don’t recognize, consequently they continue to grow. For instance when you make a mistake (perhaps in your checkbook) and the bank tells you that you are overdrawn, what do you say to yourself? What thoughts do you have? Recognize any of these? “I am so stupid!” “What an ignorant thing to do!” “I never do anything right!”

These thoughts may not seem significant, but they develop into patterns or habits of thinking.

What you think, you eventually believe. What you believe, you will feel, and what you feel, you will speak. Your feelings are a direct result of what you think. If you feel discouraged or depressed, then you have been thinking and meditating on discouraging and depressing thoughts. How do you stop the process? Learn to recognize these negative thought patterns, and then begin to talk back to these thoughts. Let the Christ in you rise up and defend you!

Let’s take a look at the statement (or thought), “I never do anything right!” First of all, is that true? Of course not! You do some things wrong, but you also do some things right. That doesn’t make you a failure, it makes you human! The devil would love for you to think that you are a failure because you make mistakes. If that’s true, all people are failures because all people make mistakes.

Secondly, let Christ in you speak back to those thoughts. Would Jesus stand in front of you and say, “You never do anything right!” No! So when that thought comes, argue your case. Analyze that thought in the light of the truth of God’s Word, then defeat that lie by speaking the truth. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. There is therefore now no condemnation to me because I’m in Christ Jesus. I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus!” You’ll plant a good garden when you root out the weeds!

What you think upon will defeat you or make you victorious.

Let’s get things in order by pulling the weeds instead of mixing bad seed with good seed. You can become aware of these twisted thought patterns by recognizing your feelings. I know that we have ignored our feelings because we are to be ruled by faith. But most of your negative feelings come from negative thoughts! If you feel down and out, stop and examine what you have been thinking. You’ll find out where those feelings came from. You’ll harness those powerful thoughts and change your feelings and the course of your life!

Copyright © Annette Capps Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.