The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
Alfred Lord Tennyson, English Poet
1809 - 1892 

Difference: Unlikeness, distinction or discrimination; differs from another.

During five trips in six weeks, I had the privilege of connecting with thousands of individuals from around the world. And as I boarded the plane in the early morning hours for my recent flight home, the message from my time away was clear: Professionals from all walks of life, young and old, educated or not, and experienced or not, are ALL looking for the same thing.

What is that? Purpose!

In one case, a career woman with great depth of experience and character was simply finding it impossible to get out of bed to go to work. Her passion was gone; the call was empty. She felt embarrassed - even abandoned - by the condition in which she found herself. To feel some kind of resolution to her dilemma, she had decided to take early retirement.

Sadly, I found her case to be the norm, not the exception.

Her cry for help was intense and I wondered why the HR Professionals who were responsible to her and her organization had not assisted her in a pro-active way.

A recent survey of a national HR associations identified that 50 percent of Internal HR Professionals had less than three years’ experience in their jobs. How can wise career counsel be given by this group? The fact is that it cannot. With so little HR experience in the field, it’s no wonder HR functions are failing in our organizations.

What about you? Are you doing what your purpose calls you to do? I challenge everyone in any type of personal or professional development field that you MUST be on purpose more than anyone else. You have little or no credibility in helping someone else in the journey of discovering his or her purpose and passions unless you are living your own!

The privilege of really making a difference in someone else’s life is granted to those who have their own stuff together.
  • Are you (for the moment) doing EXACTLY what you should be doing in your life?
  • You have no doubts, questions, or other hold-backs?

The reality is that until you are at that passionate level yourself, you have left something of yourself behind, inaccessible to others and to you, too.

The need for personal purpose has never been greater.

  • Baby boomers now seek significance over success.
  • Members of Generation X & Y are looking for their own identity, but they require guidance and a roadmap to get there.
  • Everyone reading this article has someone to help, personally or professionally.

The greatest gift to yourself, your family, and to others is for you to be completely on purpose in your personal and professional life!

  • If that means developing yourself and getting clearer about your own calling, then do it now!
  • If it means you must completely change career directions, do it sooner rather than later. Your move will be an inspiration to others who are stuck.

CRG’s purpose is to help others find their purpose and to help them realize their full potential. Every single person reading this article has been given unique gifts and talents. You have a special purpose. You are here for a reason.

If you have fully embraced your purpose, share it and help others find their purpose. If your purpose is still not clear to you, make it your first priority to truly and fully know yourself. Take the steps to discover your passions, purpose, gifts, and talents.

Living without purpose is like building your house on sand. It simply will not last.

If you REALLY want to make a difference in other people’s lives, make sure you are first personally.

Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love.

David McCullough, US Biographer and Historian
Twice Winner of the Pulitzer Prize

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All rights reserved. Used by permission.