The weapon from God's Word to use to trouble our trouble is the force of peace. Peace comes from hearing the words Jesus has spoken. Jesus said in John 16:33: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace." Therefore, since I have heard the words Jesus has spoken, I must have peace already. Right in the midst of all this trouble, Jesus says I have peace.

If God has given me peace, He must have given it to me for a reason. He must have had a purpose. And I need to find out what that purpose is, because if you don't know the purpose for a thing, abuse is inevitable.

Pursue It
Peace is security in the midst of turmoil. But there's a lot more to the force of peace than just calm in the middle of a storm. The Bible places such a high value on peace that it says we should "actively seek peace and pursue it" (Ps. 34:14). The Amplified Bible tells us in that same verse "to seek, inquire for, and crave peace and pursue (go after) it!" So finding peace is an action on my part. I go after peace. I pursue it. I crave it, I am thirsty, hungry, desperate for it. I am continually looking for it.

And then when I find peace, the Bible says I am to live in peace. Peace is to be a way of life. "Finally, brethren, live in peace, and the God of love, Who is the Source of affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence toward men; and the Author and Promoter of peace will be with you" (2 Cor. 3:11). According to the Word of God, living in peace is the way all born-again believers should live.

A Spiritual Force
Peace is listed in Galatians 5:22 and 23 as a component of the fruit of the Spirit: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." The fruit of the Spirit are forces of every believer's re-created spirit. Therefore, since peace is a fruit of the Spirit, peace is a force.

Every believer gets the seed of peace when he gets born again. Now that you're born again, peace is a force that's abiding on the inside of your re-created spirit. And the Bible says that against peace there is no law.

Now, what does that mean? In Romans 8:2, Paul tells us about two opposing laws: the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death. And he says: "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" (Rom. 8:2).

You see, trouble operates under the law of sin and death. But peace operates under the law of life, which is in Christ Jesus. "And against such there is no law" (Gal. 5:23). In other words, Paul says, when you operate in this peace, there is no law in the world system that can stop peace from doing what God promised it will do.

Once you claim the benefits of your salvation and start operating in peace, there is no trouble which can trouble your peace. There is no law in the world system, no law of sin and death that can stop peace from producing what God intended for it to produce. Trouble can't stop peace because trouble is under the law of sin and death, but peace is under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. And since the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death, trouble can't stop peace from producing in your life what God created it to produce.

Hallelujah! That's good news! Peace has made me free from trouble. Trouble may come, but I don't have to be locked up and tangled up in bondage to it. I can be free from trouble because I'm in peace, and there is no law in this physical world that can stop the peace of God. It doesn't matter how bad the trouble is. Once you have peace, you are in security because peace cannot be stopped.

Source: How to Trouble Your Trouble Creflo A. Dollar, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers