"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28).

Sometimes we don't understand the full context of certain scriptures, because the Bible reflects the times and customs of people from an Eastern culture. But try to picture for a moment the world in which Jesus lived.

Donkeys and camels loaded down with heavy cargo travelled along the dusty roads. Women and young children often walked the streets like beasts themselves, balancing across their shoulders yokes on which clay pots or various wares were hung.

In every town and village, you could find beggars who were deaf, blind, or lame. And everywhere you looked, you saw poor and oppressed people whose burdens in life were great. This is the world to whom Jesus first said, "Come unto Me. Take My yoke; it's easy."

Well, things are not much different in our society today. Of course, in most parts of the Western world, you won't see folks carrying literal yokes. And there might not be as many who beg in public streets. Yet people are spiritually impaired, and they're walking around laden with all sorts of burdens.

But even though the world today is still full of oppression, rejection, disappointment, and uncertainties, Jesus is still saying, "Come unto Me!"

You may say, "But I've already come to Jesus. I'm a born-again believer." Yes, you may have come to God for salvation, but you can continue to come to Him for grace, strength, rest, and encouragement.

You see, it's possible - even as a believer - to become burdened and weighted down as you walk through life. For example, you may not walk in love as you ought, and it may cause your faith to become weakened.

Or you might experience some inconsistencies in your relationship with the Lord. Well, Jesus is saying, "Come unto Me, you who labor but sometimes find yourself not living for Me as consistently as you should be"!

God's promise of divine relief and rest is for anyone who'll accept it. It doesn't matter who you are or what you're facing.

Are you troubled and ill-at-ease? Are the pressures of life weighing you down? Do you need relief from the stress and strain of your present situation? Could you use some rest for your soul?

If so, Jesus says, "Come unto Me. Come hear My voice. Come into My Presence, and experience My grace and strength." He's extending the invitation to you, but He won't force you to accept it. You're going to have to do something; you're going to have to "come unto Him!"

You're also going to have to be willing to exchange your yoke for His yoke. Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" (Matt. 11:29).

In other words, when you come to the Lord, you'll have to submit yourself to His guidance and authority and obey what He says to do. You're saved by faith, but you enter into God's rest by obedience!

Aren't you glad that God provided a way of escape from the pressures of life? Aren't you glad that He's not off somewhere in the distance, leaving you to deal with your own affairs the best you know how?

You can draw strength and encouragement from the Lord's invitation for whatever you need today. Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, can remove any burden and destroy any yoke in your life. And He is saying to you, "I am your Deliverer! Come unto Me. I will give you rest!"

Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications