"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace.... Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree..." (Isa. 55:12-13).

Are there areas of your life that have been barren and unfruitful, yielding only thorns and briers? Instead of focusing on the failures of your past, picture yourself happily strolling through a vast meadow filled with daffodils and daisies, lush green grass, and fruit-bearing trees of every kind. Then picture the Lord handing you the title deed to the land, saying, "I want you to have this; it's yours."

"It's too good to be true," you might say. But it is true! God has called you to enjoy victory in every area of your life in Christ and to be fruitful in His Kingdom. Jesus said, "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit..." (John 15:8).

We bear much fruit and bring glory to God when we obtain His promises through faith - by believing and acting upon God's Word. The faith of Abraham, the patriarch of faith, brought glory to God because he refused to waver concerning God's promises. And although once barren and unfruitful, through his faith Abraham obtained his promised blessing (Gen. 12:2; Heb. 6:12,15).

You may be experiencing failure and defeat in some area of your life today, but God wants to turn the barren wastelands of your life into fruitful meadows! You hold the title deed to a beautiful land - your inheritance in Christ. So turn your back on the failures of your past and turn your praise upward to God. Stir yourself up to believe and act upon God's Word and continually praise and give Him glory.

God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for anyone else, He will also do for you. As you are faithful to believe and act upon God's promises, you will go out of your barren land with joy and be led forth with peace into a fruitful land of plenty. Instead of the thorn and the brier, the fir and the myrtle trees will spring up in your life, and you will reap a rich harvest of God's blessings.

Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications