"Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed" (Ps. 37:3).

It is time to rely totally on the Word of God. Faith is total reliance on God.

Stop trying to fix that problem. You're still trying to figure it out. You're still trying to work it out. You're still trying to negotiate it out. You're still trying to plan it out. You're still trying to finagle your way out. You're still trying to find a way to cause it to happen out of fear that you won't get it.

And that, my friend, is not faith. And you will have what you fear and not what you're believing for.

Fear can never be allowed to be the controlling factor in any decision you make. You need to stop, look, listen and decide why you are making this move. Why would a single Christian consider an unsaved person? You're considering that unsaved person because you are full of fear that God won't provide the mate you want.

When you settle for less than what God's Word says, then you will get the full expression of all the devil said, because Satan will accommodate you.

That devil will see that you're not in the rest of God, that you're not in faith, and he'll send you that which you think looks so good. He'll send you that person or that proposition that will seem to be everything you could dream, and usually, if it's too good to be true, it usually is.

And the devil will tell you, "Well now, God doesn't mind if you do this, after all, you are human. And God knows you are human, therefore, it's all right for you to do this."

You know it's against God's word, because He still said, "Sin not." He knows you are human and He still said not to yoke yourself with those who don't know God. Then He gave you the Holy Ghost so that you didn't have to rely on your humanness—you can rely on the anointing of the Holy Ghost.

But you can enter into the rest of God. Decide that you will obey God at all cost, despite what scenario is before you. Whatever price you must pay you are willing to pay it, and stand on the word of God. And you'll find you have rest for your soul.

Scripture References: Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 127:1