"Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord" (Ezekiel 37:4).

Are you going to say it? Are you going to believe it and expect it? Are you going to act like it? Well, God's Word will produce what comes out of your mouth, so prophesy your restoration.

It's time for you to begin to call things which are not. Start calling the outcome. Stop talking about what is happening in your life and begin to say what God said it should be. Call it forth in the name of Jesus.

Prophesy unto those dry dead bones in your life - your bankbook, your body parts, and your family members - call forth the outcome. You must tell it what's it's going to do - it has to obey you.

In verse seven, Ezekiel said, "I did what God told me; I didn't do what seemed good." I mean, who talks to dead bones? People will think you're crazy for talking to dead bones, right? But Ezekiel didn't go with what his head thought or what somebody else thought. He did what God told him.

Then one thousands years later, in May 1948, his prophesy came to pass. Israel became a nation. God rose up all those dead bones from all over the world and brought them back to a tiny piece of land called Israel where they established their own nation.

Listen, if God said prophesy, then we ought to be prophesying. It doesn't matter whether we understand it or not - we must prophesy about our restoration.

If God can restore a nation, I know he can restore your household, your job, your bankbook, or your wayward child. It's your time for restoration. Yes, there is restoration for every area in your life.

Our God is a God of restoration. The greatest restoration of all is Jesus, the Son of God. He came to restore mankind. We were fallen and on our way to hell. There was no way out, but unto us a child was born and unto us a Son was given. He died on the cross and rose from the dead. He reconciled us to God. God restored you and me to himself.

Restoration has fully come. It may take more than one step for your full restoration. But know this: whether it comes all at once or whether you have to take it step by step, in the end, you have to prophesy.

Scripture References: Habakkuk 2:2-4; Mark 11:23-24