"Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence" (Ps. 91:3 KJV).

You must have confidence in God as your deliverer from every snare and pestilence. Now the word "snare" means trap, and I don't know if you recognize this, but there are traps being set for you every day.

There are traps out there for you, all kinds of traps that the enemy's trying to snare you with in every single way. If he can't snare you in sex sin, he tries financial areas of sin. He wants to snare you in pride or in some other kind of way. And he has placed traps for you everywhere.

Therefore, an individual who operates in Psalm 91 has complete confidence in God as his deliverer from every trap that the enemy sets.

When you're listening to the Holy Ghost and you trust in God, then He can tell you about the traps that set in front of you before you see them. With that information when the traps show up, you just jump over them. But you have to trust God and have confidence in His protection.

Verse 4 says, "He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust, his truth shall be thy shield and buckler."

Now, there is nothing wrong with having a gun at home. Some folks are appalled at having a gun at home. But you have to understand that even if you have a gun at home, it still may not save you. If somebody wants to get to you, they may get to you before you can get to the gun. You have to have something beyond the physical protection you can bring.

But don't get into a ditch with this. You have some folks say, "Well, bless God, if you're a real person of faith, you don't ever need to have any other weapons." And I say, well, bless God, do you have a lock on your door? Of course you do.

You must have confidence in God's protection more than anything man can do, because as bad as things are now, you better be trusting God.

And when you put your total trust and confidence in God to deliver you, save you, and cause you to side step traps set for you, you will abide under His shadow, safe from all danger. Praise God!

Scripture References: John 16:13; Hebrews 10:35

Copyright © Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.