We are members one of another, and when one suffers, we all suffer. We need the Body of Christ to help us repair our walls after they've been broken down many times.
We, as the Body of Christ, need to stand in the gap for the healing of the brokenhearted. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who is our Helper—but we also need the Body of Christ.

We are members one of another, and when one suffers, we all suffer. We need the Body of Christ to help us repair our walls after they've been broken down many times.

If you have had emotional problems and instability in your life, you need to be in a stable church that is teaching the Word of God. You will not be able to receive healing of an emotional instability by flitting from one meeting to another. You need the constant help and support of the local Body of Christ.

That stability will help you build your walls back up again. I don't mean you attend only once a month, either. Go every time the doors are open, and receive from a pastor who has a heart for his people. The love of God that is ministered under the anointing of a God-called pastor will help heal the hurts in your life.

We need to lend our prayers and stand in the gap for others. When the wall is broken down and there is a big gap, someone needs to stand there and protect the city until the wall is rebuilt.

You and the Holy Spirit are going to be there laying the bricks and mortar, but when you have a hole here and there, and a whole wall section down somewhere else, you are going to need some help while you're laying those bricks so quickly.

That's when we, as the Body of Christ, can support and help one another. We need to stand guard against the enemy while our friends are repairing their walls.

This can be done by intercession and emotional support. Emotional support does not mean emotional dependency. We need to depend, first of all, upon the Spirit of God. God is the only One who can meet every need in your life. But don't shut yourself off from the Body of Christ, because there is help there also.

Get Rid of the Aliens
If aliens have entered into your inner city, you need to get rid of them. What are some of the aliens? Unforgiveness, bitterness, depression, rejection, guilt, fear, and sin are all aliens. Once they have come into your city, they will destroy it. You need to get rid of them.

How do you do that? First, you confess it to the Father; then you rebuke them in Jesus name.

The only thing that should be dwelling in your city is the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, faith, and temperance. Let the fruit of the spirit dwell in you.

If you have aliens in your city you will have to make the decision to get rid of them and start rebuilding your walls.

Pray this prayer:
Heavenly Father, I confess that I have allowed aliens to enter my city. I ask You to cleanse my heart right now from all unrighteousness. I command all fear, bitterness, and rejection to depart from me now.

I ask that the healing power of Jesus Christ would flow through my mind and emotions and heal me now. From this hour forward, I will guard my heart with all diligence in Jesus name.
Source: Reverse The Curse In Your Body And Emotions
by Annette Capps
Excerpt permission granted by Annette Capps Ministries