We can't procrastinate any more. We must pray now because we're running out of time.

Back in the early seventies when God talked to me about the devil trying to turn this nation against Israel, He said it would happen "at the end." I didn't know then what He meant, but I do now.

He was referring to the end of this age. He was talking about the time right before Jesus' return when judgment was about to fall.

We're there now. We are at the end. The signs are all around us. In Luke 21, Jesus told us about those signs.

He said that just before the end of the age,
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be mighty and violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (plagues: malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating); and there will be sights of terror and great signs from heaven.
(Luke 21:10-11)
Sometimes, when people read those verses, they throw up their hands and say, "Oh my, all these things are happening! What on earth shall we do?"

They ought to keep reading because Jesus tells us exactly what to do. He tells us in verse 36 that we should "watch and pray!"

Mark 13:33 says the same thing about the end time. "Be on your guard [constantly alert], and watch and pray...."

The apostle Paul adds his admonition in 1 Thessalonians 5. As he instructs the early Church about how they should conduct themselves in the last days, he says, "keep wide awake..." and "be unceasing in prayer" (vv. 6,17).

Add to that what he wrote to his spiritual son Timothy, the pastor of the largest church in existence at that time, and we are left without any doubt as to what we should be doing in these days.
First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way.

For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior, who wishes all men to be saved...."
(1 Tim. 2:1-3)
Will You Enlist?
Read the last sentence of that passage of scripture again and you'll see why it's so important for us to pray. You'll see why it's so vital that we keep this nation out of the hands of the devil and on track for God. This nation has a destiny!

She was born to be a friend to Israel and to carry the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ into nations all over the world!

The United States of America has a part to play in helping the Church bring the last great harvest of souls into the kingdom of God.

If we'll pray, God will change the hearts of government leaders so they'll quit hindering the spreading of the Gospel and start helping it instead!

He will use leaders and those in authority to aid and assist the evangelistic efforts of the Church! Right now, the Lord is speaking to His Church. He is saying:
There is a harvest to be reaped, kindred and tribes to be reached. And they shall be reached for there are those who will take up the prayer place so that the Spirit of God can penetrate to the depths and heights of this earth. For the Spirit cries, "It's the end of the age and the consummation of all things! It's coming to this generation!"

The forces of evil are rampant as they have never been before. They would increase in intensity and velocity. But, saith the Lord, I am searching even this day; I want more soldiers to enlist in the great army of prayer. They will be able to dispel the darkness by the light and the illumination that has come to them; for the hand of the Lord is upon those that would hear and answer His call.
What About You?
Will you hear and answer the call to prayer? Will you enlist in this great army of God?

If you will do it, though you may be just one single soul, God will hear your prayers and in your neighborhood, your city, your state or your nation people will be saved because you prayed. Governments will change. The devil will be thwarted and destinies will be fulfilled.

If you will pray, you can make the difference.

Mac Hammond Ministries
This article was taken from the video A Nations Advocate.