Angels are not fictional Bible characters or figments of religious imagination. On the contrary, they are very real spiritual beings who were created for the purpose of ministering to, or serving, the saints of God.

They are actually "spiritual police officers" who are ready to execute the commands you give them from the Word. Hebrews 1:13-14 says:
Besides, to which of the angels has He ever said, Sit at My right hand [associated with Me in My royal dignity] till I make your enemies a stool for your feet? Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?
(vv. 13-14 AMP)
Understanding your covenant as a born-again Christian is critical to tapping into angelic ministry. Salvation, or soteria, means "wholeness or completeness in every area of your life." As an heir of soteria (Rom. 8:17), you have access to all of the benefits that God has given (Ps. 103:3-5).

Protection, healing, deliverance, preservation and restoration are all a part of this salvation package. Angels are responsible for carrying out every aspect of God's total life prosperity promises.

These supernatural beings may be viewed as "covenant enforcers." However, it is up to you to appropriate their covenant-enforcing abilities to see the results of their ministry in your life. You do this by speaking the Word of God in faith.

The Scripture says that angels take action when they hear you give voice to God's Word (Ps. 103:20).

It is not enough to just believe that angels exist. Like anything else in the kingdom of God, the ministry of angels depends largely on what you are doing. Living a holy life, making daily confessions and walking by faith all play a role in how angels will be able to come through for you when your back is up against the wall.

Don't wait until you are in trouble before you decide to get involved with your covenant. Instead, make the Word the final authority in everything you do, and you will find the ministry of angels manifesting in your life on a regular basis.

If you are facing a tough situation and need your angels to go to work on your behalf, find the scripture that relates to your predicament and speak the Word over it in faith.

Command your angels to move on your behalf to carry out the Word. Thank God that the situation has already been taken care of and expect to see results made manifest.

When you are abiding in God's Word, you have the right to tap into the ministry of angels that God has provided as part of your salvation package. He loves you and has created these ministering spirits to deliver you from the hand of the enemy (Ps. 91:11-12). Do your part and put them to work today!

First published in the June 2003 issue of
Changing Your World Magazine
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