He is longing to be with you today! Decide to spend time outside the camp of your world and enter into the tent of meeting with the one who loves you.
During my personal study time, I've been drawn back to Exodus 33 where Moses begs that God's presence will go with him. The chapter opens with Moses going out of the camp and entering into the tent of meeting.

I believe that there is a "going out" and an "entering in," if you will, in that we must begin to take drastic steps to get time alone away from the world and enter into the presence of the Lord.

It is in His presence that we are confronted with sin issues that have either lain dormant or have been hidden. It is in this place that our Father can put His finger on issues that keep us from His Glory.

I know for myself that I do not want to meet Jesus with a house full of issues that I have refused to confront. It is in the confronting of them that I am forever changed into His image. In this place, I am preparing for the greatest meeting of hearts ever to take place—eternity!

In verse 18, Moses begs to see God's glory; however, in verse 20 God tells Moses that no man shall see His face and live. BUT...in verse 21, our Father says to Moses,
Behold, there is a place beside Me, and you shall stand upon the rock, And while My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.
(Ex. 30:21-22)
The word "place" jumped off the page at me the other day. God said there is a place beside Him.

The only One I know who has ever been placed beside the Father is His Son Jesus Christ. So God says there is a place beside me and then He says that if Moses will stand upon the rock (1 Cor. 10:4 says that Jesus is the Rock), He will hide him in the cleft and protect him as the Glory passes by.

I believe that this is such a message for the body of Christ. God is saying if you will position yourself IN CHRIST next to the Father, then His Glory can pass by.

I want to take this a bit further as God unraveled this simple word to me and say that I believe God is saying His glory will never be seen until we are positioned in the right place.

Will You Stand or Fall?
Positioning ourselves in Christ will bring the glory. If we are standing on anything other than the rock, we will fall.

What are the things in your life that you have been standing on? What are the props and platforms in life that have held you up other than Christ? What are you placing your hope in? Is it your finances, spouse, things of the world, your looks, your gifts and abilities, your possessions?

All the things we are standing on will eventually crumble. They cannot hold us up if we are to see His Glory. What are your hidden issues? We don't want to hide anything; we only want to hide in Him!

Nothing will bring the Glory of His Presence except our being positioned in the right place and that is in Christ next to the Father. THEN, He says, I will hide you in the cleft of My Son (the rock) and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.

I want to see God's glory. I want His manifest presence in my life.

John 14:21 says,
The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who really loves me; and whoever (really) loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I, too, will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. (I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.)
(John 14:21 AMP)
The word "show" has the same intensity as the word "show" in Ex. 33:18. God desires to show Himself to the church, but we must be positioned in Christ and nothing else. Like Moses said, this is the only thing that distinguishes us from all other people on the face of the earth.

Get Alone With God
How about living each day to the fullest next to the Father? Let's (as a church) begin to prepare ourselves for the Glory of the Lord. My challenge to you today is to take drastic measures to be alone with Jesus and commune with the Father.

He is longing to be with you today! Decide to spend time outside the camp of your world and enter into the tent of meeting with the one who loves you.

What about five minutes a day? Practice taking that time just to commune with Him—putting everything in your life on hold just to sit in His presence. Ask Him to reveal the platforms you have built your life upon and then give Him permission to begin to tear them down.

Trust Him to know what is best for your life. WOW! Julaine, this is a challenge. Yes, it is, but it will change your life and prepare you for the Glory of the Lord!

Copyright © Julaine Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.