Perhaps the greatest challenge we face as Spirit-filled believers is that of learning to accurately distinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is not an easy task because when we begin, we are such carnal thinkers. But it is definitely worthwhile, because if we are to abide in the Lord, to maintain a living connection with Him, we must be able to hear and obey the leadings of His Spirit. God has always expected His people to do that.

If you'll read the Old Testament, you'll see that God told Israel not only to obey His written Word, but also to obey His voice (Jer. 7:23). He wanted them to know His will in specific situations.

When the army of Israel invaded Jericho, they had to hear God's voice. Where else would they have acquired the strange battle plan they used? It wasn't written in the law of Moses. And certainly, no human being would suggest a seven-day march around a city as the most effective form of invasion! No, that was God's plan. He told it to Joshua and when Joshua followed it, there was victory.

For us to walk in victory today, we must do the same thing Joshua did. We must not only obey the written Word, we must also be able to hear and obey God's instructions to us about the choices and decisions we face each day.

Say, for example, you are offered a job in another city. Naturally speaking, it may seem to be a great opportunity. It might involve an increase in pay or a promotion. But to be sure what to do, you need guidance from the Lord. You can open the Bible and receive some general instructions that may help you. But the written Word of God will not tell you whether to take that job or not. You won't find a chapter and verse that says, "Yes, that's a good move. Go to Chicago next May and take the job there. That's God's will for you."

To find out what choice is right in such situations, you must be able to discern the voice or the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You must be sensitive to His leadings in your heart. How do you cultivate that kind of discernment and sensitivity? There are several ways.

The first two are to spend time praying (both in your own language and in other tongues) daily and meditating on the written Word of God. The more familiar you are with God's voice as it comes through the written Word, the more easily you'll be able to recognize His voice in your own heart. Through the written Word, your mind becomes renewed to accept God's ways as the right thing to do.

Another major key to developing and maintaining spiritual sensitivity is to stay hooked up to the realm of the spirit throughout the day. Don't just have your daily time in prayer and the Word, and then barrel through the rest of your day, forgetting all about God. Stay tuned in to Him. Think of God often; give Him praise; pray in tongues on and off throughout the day. Carry around a pocket New Testament and take a "Word break" instead of a coffee break.

Keep yourself in such a state throughout the day that you're available to God. Whatever your job is, whether you're a business person sitting at a desk or a homemaker buying groceries and cleaning the house, maintain an awareness and living contact with God so that at any moment, if He needs to let you know something, He can reach you.

It is possible to keep your mind so stayed on God that no matter what you come up against, you're just one moment away from hearing from the Holy Spirit. If you'll maintain your union with God throughout the day by making Him the number one priority and continually walking in love, you can stay hooked up to heaven 24 hours a day. You can rest in the assurance that you have all of heaven's resources backing you and that the Holy Ghost is constantly with you, ready to talk to you about anything you need to know.

You must remember, however, that the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He won't force Himself on you. If you want Him to be active in your life, you must give Him place. You must be constantly looking to Him for guidance, instead of managing your life according to your own fleshly plans and ideas. We need to slow down a little and invite the Holy Spirit to interrupt our neat, little plans if He wants. If we don't make place for Him, He will not push His way in.

So, purpose to draw near to Him throughout your day. When you're in your car, for instance, instead of listening to talk radio, put in a teaching tape and listen to the Word of God. When you're dressing for work, instead of listening to secular music, spend that time singing songs to the Lord and praising Him. Learn to take advantage of such times throughout your day. Take a few minutes here and there to keep yourself strong and built up in the Lord.

If you'll be faithful to maintain that kind of sensitivity and living contact with the Holy Spirit, you'll be amazed at what God can do for you and through you. He'll enable you to do greater things than you ever imagined. He'll enable you to live like an overcomer and be a blessing to many, many people. You may not think you have the ability to do anything of consequence. But that doesn't bother God. He isn't looking for ability. He is looking for availability! All He needs is faithfulness.

It would be wonderful, I suppose, to have great natural talent. But when you hook up with God, it doesn't really matter whether you're talented or not. God has all the talent and ability He needs.

If you'll maintain living contact with God, it won't matter what you are in the natural. You may be poor or uneducated. You may be the biggest failure on your block. But those things just make you a prime candidate for the calling of God. It thrills me to know that I don't have to be special to be used by God. I just have to be faithful. I just have to yield myself to Him and stay in living contact with Him.

Some people feel self-sufficient. They think they are smart enough or talented enough to do things on their own. And though they may have some good results, they'll never see the kinds of supernatural results they would if they were dependent on God.

For me, however, self-sufficiency isn't much of a temptation. In the ministry, everything you have to do is impossible with men, so I have to start every day dependent on the Holy Spirit. I rarely do anything in the mornings before I pray. I don't even drink a cup of coffee in the morning before I have my prayer time.

I like to make a connection with God first thing in the morning. I like to talk to Him about the things I'm facing that day. If I have a business meeting, I want to know what He has to say about the issues we'll be discussing at that meeting. I don't want to go in there and be dependent on natural knowledge. If I'm ministering, I have to be anointed by His Spirit, or I might as well stay home.

The more you depend on the Holy Spirit, the more you will open the door for Him to be active in your life. It's your dependency on Him that clears the way for Him to move. So don't try to make decisions by yourself. You don't know the future. Lean on the Holy Spirit. He knows what's ahead.

Every day, acknowledge your dependency on Him. Say something like this:
"Lord, I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit Who lives in me and teaches me the things I need to know. I'm so grateful He is dwelling in me to be my Guide in every situation and to lead me into all truth. I'm totally dependent upon You, Lord. I'm just like a little child. I don't know whether to come in or go out unless You show me what to do. And I'm glad to be that way because I love You and trust You with my whole heart. Help me today to walk in intimacy with You all day long. Teach me to live and walk in the spirit, not just when I'm in trouble, but every moment in union and communion with You. I trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not to my own understanding. I acknowledge You in all my ways, and You shall direct my paths according to Your Word. In Jesus' Name, I expect to receive guidance today. Thank You, Father, for helping me and directing me."

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries