There's a reason why certain people know what to do at the right time and always seem to be right. It is because they are people of prayer. God tells them what's going to happen before it happens. He tells them what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. But you have to get yourself quiet enough to listen.

Prayer is just another tool to help you find out God's will for your life. So you need to learn how to get in prayer and not get tired after twenty minutes. Stay there until you get the answer.

If you'll be a man or woman of prayer, God will tell you what to do. You will always succeed. You will never have to stumble. You'll never fall, because you're someone who stands on the Word and has developed a relationship with God through prayer.

There is nothing more intimate than being in God's presence. The Bible says that in His presence is fullness of joy (Ps. 16:11).

Be a Person of Prayer So God Can Give You Revelation
Gentleman, if you're dating a woman, you find time to spend with her just to hear her talk, don't you? If you couldn't do anything else, you'd go out to a little restaurant and talk for hours - and you'd love it! You'd love every word she said. You'd love being with her. You'd love being able to look at her.

Well, you have to be just like that with God too, but even more so. A person who's submitted to God will pray every day. It's not something that's optional. A great attitude is, "I want to get everything God has for me. I want to be as great as God wants to make me."
I was blessed to grow up in the household I did, because I never had a poverty or "ghetto" mentality. My attitude was always that anything is possible with God. So even when I was feeling bad, I always felt that I would be great someday - not because of me, but because I knew that I loved God.

That was just my attitude. I'm like that even to this day. I believe I can do anything, because I'm in the Word and God has my ear: I'm always listening, and I know He'll tell me everything I need to know before I need to know it. I have that type of relationship with Him. That's why I praise Him continually.

You see, you don't just praise God on Sunday morning, sing a few songs then not pay any more attention to praising Him the rest of the week. You praise God all the time. Praise and worship go hand in hand with prayer. It's all part of your relationship with God.

You don't have to sing a particular worship song. Just praise God out of your spirit. Some of the best times I've ever had were when I was lying around on my couch and just singing out of my spirit. Those have been some of the sweetest songs I've ever heard.

There isn't a more beautiful sound than the sound of people praising and worshipping God. Praise brings God's presence on the scene. God inhabits the praises of His people (Ps. 22:3).

Source: God's Plan for the Single Saint by Keith A. Butler, II
Excerpt permission granted by Word of Faith Publishing