God is about to invade this earth, and He has allowed us to see and hear about it before it happens. The Holy Spirit has declared it to us before it ever even comes!

In Habakkuk 3:13, God declares through His prophet the reason why He invades this earth: "You went forth and have come for the salvation of Your people, for the deliverance and victory of Your anointed [people Israel]."

You see, God is one who declares things. He loves to say, "I said this was going to happen. I declared it, and it came to pass." He also loves for His people to declare His promises in faith. It's a family trait God wants all His children to adopt as their own.

So I urge you to make a quality decision to begin to pray out God's plans for these last days. Start declaring in faith that what He has said will come to pass.

Now, when you hear the word pray, you may think of it as a dry exercise of drudgery and duty. But that isn't God's design for prayer. As you get hungry for God and begin to pray in the Spirit, you will connect with Him. And when you do, I guarantee you that it will be anything but dry drudgery!

Just consider the time God told Moses to come to the mountain and meet Him there. God told Moses that He wanted to visit him.

He wanted to make Himself real to Moses, and He wants to do the same for you.

Therefore, the question isn't, "How can you get God to visit you?" It's, "How can God get you to let Him visit you?"

I want to urge you to find a good prayer group to join so you can learn to pray corporately with other believers. God likes it when His people gather together to pray. When believers come into God's presence in unity, amazing things can happen as God moves miraculously in their midst. While they have a Holy Ghost party in prayer, God goes forth to change the world!

So let this prayer come up out of your heart to the throne of God:
Lord, I ask You to visit me right now by Your Holy Spirit. I pray, Father, for Your manifested presence and glory in my life as I commit myself to pray out Your plans and purposes for the days and years ahead.

Father, help me make the necessary adjustments in my own life to fulfill Your call to pray. Thank You for Your presence in my life. Thank You for Your manifested glory in my city, my nation, my world.

I declare in faith that the invasion You have purposed to bring to this earth shall come to pass in Jesus' name!
Source: When God Invades The Earth by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers