God, You know that the enemy has thrown a counterfeit at me, but You can restore all things back to me. I need Your strength because I can't make it on my own. Be my guide. Help me to realize that I don't need this to be happy.

All I need is You. Lord, thank You that You don't just bring happiness, but You bring joy. Joy is happiness through any circumstances. Even when things are looking down, You are my joy. You are not a high that runs out. You are everlasting.

Deliver me from this addiction. I know that it may take time, and I am willing to work. Bring people across my path who can help me make it through. I need You. Help me to be open about my addiction because I know that I am not alone. You care about me, and so do Your people.

Thank You for loving me through this and for calling me Your child.
Stand by me. People may say bad things about me, but I don't care! You love me. That's all that is important.

Scripture References
Psalm 18:19
Ephesians 2:4
Romans 9:26

Source: Scriptural Prayers for the Praying Teen
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books