Jesus, let me be a light that shines You in this world. I want people to be attracted to the light inside of me. Help people to see the fruit of the Spirit that is in my life because of You.

Help them to see my love because of Your unconditional love on the cross. Help them to see my joy because knowing that You are God makes every day a celebration.

Help them to see my peace because You have everything under control. Help them to see my patience because You are patient with me through my shortcomings. Help them to see my kindness because Your kindness led me to repentance. Help them to see my goodness, not because of me, but because I know a God who is extraordinarily good.

Help them to see my faithfulness to You and to them because Your faithfulness to me never ends. Help them to see my gentleness, just as You so gently have bandaged my wounds. Help them to see my self-control because, through knowing You, I never have temporary feelings that get the best of me; I know that my eternal promise is much more special.

Scripture References
Matthew 5:16
Galatians 5:22,23
1 John 2:25

Source: Scriptural Prayers for the Praying Teen
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books