Honor Your Parents By Listening To Them
Proverbs 1:5 says, "Let the wise listen and add to their learning." Do you really want to be smart? Listen to your mom and dad. I know it's a novel concept, but just try it. It's amazing how many mistakes it will keep you from making.

Don't just do it because you're supposed to; do it to really find out where they are coming from. Ask them questions so you can get their perspective. Ask, "Why?" a lot, but not with an attitude.

Get their views of why they have particular rules for you, or why they don't want you to do something. Find out the reasons for their rules, and you'll be a lot smarter than if you obey just because you're told to.

As you learn from your parents by listening to them, the things you want to do will probably change because you've become smarter.

Honor Your Parents By The Way You Speak To Them
So many teens bring shame on themselves by the way they talk to or about their parents. The Bible says in Ephesians 4:29, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths...."

This is hardly the case with most teens concerning their parents. Maybe it's murmuring under your breath after they tell you to do something or outright bursts of anger toward them.

I remember once, when I was 16, my dad and I were in a fight about my car. I wanted to take it, and he said, "No." He had my keys in his pocket. I said, "Give me those keys, or I will tackle you and do whatever I have to do to get them."

I was a little bigger than my dad at the time so he gave me the keys. I have regretted those words for a long time. Instead of respecting the authority God had given my dad, I humiliated him.

Many parents have been hurt by things their kids have said. Even if your parents aren't (in your opinion) doing the best job in the world, they gave you life. They brought you into this world.

An overwhelming majority of teens say they lie to their parents. Is this honoring them? Honor your parents by what you say.

Source: Quit Playing With Fire by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by New Leaf Press, Inc.