Everyone wants to be popular. Popularity isn't a bad thing. In fact, Jesus was very popular during much of His ministry. He never compromised His character or morals to gain acceptance. You can become popular by making both bad choices and good ones.

Here are five roads to popularity while maintaining your integrity:
  1. Be a kind person. You will never be short on friends.
  2. When you do something, do it with all your might. Excellence draws a crowd.
  3. Promote others and their accomplishments, not your own. God will then be able to exalt you.
  4. Dare to dream big and pray for the seemingly impossible. People are drawn to those filled with hope and faith.
  5. Stand up for what is right. Our world today is desperately searching for real heroes.
Source: Every Teenager's Little Black Book of Hard to Find Information
by Blaine Bartel.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers