"Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them" (Col. 3:19 KJV).

A lot of men hold grudges against their wives for something they did years ago. They are bitter about it. Or a husband could be bitter at his wife for something his first wife, or some other woman in his life did. Because she was a woman, he has that attitude toward all women.

If that is your case, then you need to forgive the one involved and turn loose of that bitterness. Suppose God held things against you? If anyone should be bitter about anything we do, it should be God.

If anyone has a right to be bitter, it is Jesus. After all, He is the One Who died for you, and you have just kicked up your heels and acted like a donkey with long ears. You acted ugly with God, and He just kept right on blessing you because you are in His family, and you are His child. He did not pull the carpet out from under you and leave you destitute.

How many times have you told the Lord, "Just let me get out of this, and I will serve You the balance of my days?"

Then when you got out of it, you forgot all about God. You might have meant it at the time, but you forgot, and it became a lie. So if anyone has a right to be bitter and hold something against us, it is God. So how dare we, as husbands, hold something against our wives?

You will have a right to hold something against her when you reach perfection. You can throw the first stone when you are without sin. But if you have not arrived at perfection yet, you had better forgive her as Christ has forgiven you.

Bitterness is not worth it, at any rate. Bitterness is from the devil. It will kill you. It will sour the sweetness in your spirit man. Bitterness does not come from the Spirit of God. I do not care what anyone has done to you or against you. It is not worth what bitterness will cost you.

Source: The Spirit-Filled Father's Guide to Total Victory
by Harrison House Authors
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers