This may hit you in the face, so put your seat belt on!
And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
(Mark 6:30-31)
This is the way ministry can be. Ministers are denying their spouses, families, and vacation time away from the church and time away from the ministry.

These ministers have the wrong idea. They think they are going to save everyone by themselves. That is ego going somewhere to happen.

You need to take your vacations, and you need to take your family somewhere. That church or ministry will run without you. I know it is hard to conceive that the people, or that the ministry, or that God can get anything done without you, but they can! I know it is very difficult for you to accept that.

Plan Your Time With Your Family Each Year
The first thing I put on my calendar every year is my vacations. If I don't, I wouldn't ever get one - never in life! There is something to do all the time; it seems like someone needs help 24 hours a day.

I cannot solve all their problems. God never said that Fred Price was the need-provider. The Word says "My God shall supply…" (Phil. 4:19). It does not say Fred Price will supply. You have to turn people over to God.

Yes, you have a responsibility to your flock, but Jesus never said anything about holding folks in your arms. He said, "Feed my sheep and feed my lambs." That is all He said to do. And you are trying to hold up people and carry the whole burden of your congregation.

When this happens, you end up being God for them, and then you get them hooked on you. And when you do get out of pocket - out of reach - they can't function. They are out of it, because their dependence has always been on you.

You do all their praying; you do all their interceding; you are the ears that always listen to their problems. Let them talk to God; He is the problem-solver.

You cannot always know everyone in your church. If you want to know everyone by name in your church, then prepare to have a small church - very small!

Learn how to rest. When I have a day off, I take the telephone off the hook. I unplug it. If I go to hotels, I unplug the phones. If I do not have the kind of phone in the room that you can unplug, I take the receiver off the hook.

Someone is always calling about something. You will be up all day and all night, so learn how to take some time off with your spouse. That is why God gave you a helpmeet to be your companion and helper.

Source: Ten Practical Suggestions for Successful Ministry
by Frederick K.C. Price
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers