The right key will open any door, and Jesus said, "...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" (Matt. 16:19 NKJ).

God is looking for people with confidence in the Name of Jesus, confidence in their authority, knowing who they are in Christ, what they can do in Christ, what they can have in Christ—and who they can reach in Christ.

There are nations that have never had a major move of God. I don't know about you, but that excites me. God is looking for a pioneer generation. He is opening the harvest barn doors and bringing out some harvesting equipment that no one has ever run with before.

We've come to the kingdom for such a time as this. God is looking to see who will not be content with the mediocre, but will contend for the supernatural.

Let's hear from heaven and do it God's way. He's looking for someone who won't lean back and say, "Well, they've always done it this way, and we don't want to rock any boats."

There's nothing that will rock a boat like wind and waves, and there is a Holy Spirit wind blowing, and there are some Holy Spirit waves coming.

God is saying, "Who will go? Who will labor in the Word and in prayer so they always have something fresh from heaven to give to the world? Who will not be talked out of My windows of opportunities—My open doors?

"Who will lay aside lame excuses—'I'm too old, I'm too young, I'm too rich, I'm too poor, I'm too educated, I'm too uneducated, I have too much experience, I have no experience, I'm married, I'm not married, I can't speak the language?'"

Some will say, "But I'm not called to the fivefold ministry. I'm not called to go to the nations." But all Christians are called to go to our world —our neighbors, our job, or our city.

Jesus said. "...You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere" (Mark 16:15 TLB).

We cannot see ourselves or our circumstances through natural eyes. We must see as God sees. When Jesus looked at Simon, He called him "Peter—the rock."

Peter made mistakes. Jesus knew Peter would deny Him three times on the night when He was betrayed, but He still called him "Rocky."

Jesus saw Peter not as he was, but as he was going to be—a leader of the Church. We may think we're not equipped, but we're more equipped than 99% of the people in the world today. When we start thinking "I can't do this," look for that angel with the live coal in his tongs. God will show up with a couple of coals of fire, put us back in our prayer closet, and bring us back out like we ought to be.

We're living at the end of the age. This may be the last generation to walk on the face of this earth before we are caught up to meet Jesus in the air. But we have a job to do.

Matthew 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

We're not going home without our harvest, and we're not going home without our soul winner's crown waiting for us.

I'm telling you that of all the generations in the history of mankind, this is the generation where God is crying the loudest—"Who will go?"

God is saying, "I've saved you, I've filled you with the Holy Spirit. I've spent years preparing you. I've had people praying for you for 2000 years. You have heard the message.

"You have seen My glory. You have experienced My power. You have come into contact with My fire. Now who will take it to the far reaches of the earth? Who will go?"

And God is looking for a generation—like Isaiah—who will say with no excuses, "Here am I, Lord. I'll go! Here am I, send me!"

Mark Brazee Ministries
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