What do you want people to learn from the film?
These kids are not interested in sitting on the sidelines of Christianity until they turn 21. They want to be a part of what God is doing on the earth NOW! If Christians don't wake up to this fact, statistically we face the very real possibility that we will lose the nest generation to the Christian faith.

My hope is Christians everywhere will see this and realize they need to change the way they are currently discipling their children, taking their kids beyond the basic Bible stories and truly disciple them as active members in the kingdom of God.

Do you feel that God's hand was involved in the movie in some way?
In actuality, being given exposure to the secular audience as well as Christian is a plan only God would have thought of, because I certainly wouldn't have. In spite of the political twist, which is what is getting such nation-wide attention, we believe this is going to give us a greater platform to help get our agenda our to the Christian community, which is redefining children's ministry in the body of Christ. We feel this absolutely critical to grasp hold of because children are key players in these end times (see Joel 2:28).

Is it important to teach your kids their responsibilities to their society? Why?
Yes. But you teach them their responsibility by creating a Christian worldview in them, which affects all of society. Studies have shown that a person's moral values in life are set in place between the ages of 7 to 9 years of age and will change very little after that. These same studies indicate that what a child believes by the age of thirteen, good or bad, he/she will basically believe to the day he dies.

What do you make of people "fearing" the evangelical movement and these kids' determination?
We fear what we don't understand, or what we don't agree with, especially if it looks like what we fear is going to become more powerful than us. I'm sure it's unnerving, almost shocking, for people to see kids like these in the film walking in such confidence and supernatural authority and power if you've never seen it before.

But it seems so strange to me that people fear us training our kids to value and protect human life, to embrace high moral standards, to walk in goodness, kindness and love toward their fellow man, to turn their backs on evil and to have a strong faith in the Creator of the universe. Where's the harm to society in that?

Has the evangelical movement changed in the last few years or has it just become more visible?
The simple answer is we are more visible because we have grown significantly in numbers over the years, but we have also become more vocal in protecting what we believe in as we've seen our Christian heritage get whittled away in American culture.

Many Christians have just decided enough is enough, and they are standing up for what they see as an erosion of what we have always valued in this country. In doing so they have become more vocal and visible.

Are you different than other children's ministers? In what way? Why is your message so appealing to kids?
Kids are hungry for the supernatural. This is the Harry Potter generation. These are the kids who want to know, "Is there really a school of witchcraft I can go to learn to cast spells?" because there is no doubt in their minds there is really a supernatural world out there.

When we tell them God wants to use them to do signs, wonders and miracles, they don't argue doctrine with us, they just do it! Kids absolutely love it!

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